Project Planning & Industry Interface

About the Research Group:

This service group aims to facilitate and support project planning and industry interface through various activities. This group consists of six sections headed by individual section heads and equipped with up to date management skills to provide R&D supports at one platform. The staff members are having substantial experience of their domain.


(i)   Provide advice, promote & facilitate business development

(ii)  Build strong relationships with the organization / stack holders/ industrials etc.

(III) Liaison with key agencies including regional to deliver and enhance services


Project Planning & Industry Interface (PPII) Division consists of the following sections namely,

·      Technology Management & ISTAG.


.       Knowledge Dissemination Center.


·       Project Planning and Monitoring & E-Services.


·       Human Resource Development, Skill Development and JIGYASA.


·       Testing Cell.


.       Rajbhasha.




Section 1: Technology Management & ISTAG

Mandate & Activities: 

Standardization,  Certification,  Accreditation, Consultancy services for manufacturing sector and  service sector. Conducting first party and  second party auditing and Inspection of  companies. IS/ISO 9000 Quality Management System,  Laboratory Quality System and Internal Audit as per IS/ISO 17025:2005. Managing and supporting activities of national and international R&D alliances. Coordination, Technology Transfer, MOU, Agreement, Collaboration and Licensing.  Policy  formulation for technology development and R&D management. Development and promotion of organizational business linkages with user industries.  Managing international S&T affairs of the institute. International Collaborations, Bilateral Exchange Programs and  Foreign Deputations.  

SCPD functions for dissemination of R & D results of the institute to make public aware about the R&D, important activities and achievement of the laboratory.

Important Activities & Achievements:

The department achieved the expertise in publishing various regular as well as occasional publications covering the major R&D activities of the institute. The department is engaged in preparing the Annual Reports, CSIR-CIMFR at a glance, Technical Enquiry, Vision and R&D highlights, CSIR Annual Report, Project & Work Record Book etc. Several times, SCPD has been in instrumental in preparing the reports related to Planning Commission & Parliament Questions. Besides these, SCPD participates in exhibitions to showcase the activities and accomplishments of the institute through Posters, Leaflets, Charts, Photographs and publications. Display advisements are also released to different technical Journals, Souvenirs etc. with two objectives; (i) brightening the image of the institute and (ii) selling the technology as well as instruments developed and services available.

Welcome to our library which is one of the central support services of our institute. The library homepage will provide electronic access to various full text and bibliographical databases. Our library is also ISO 9001:2000 certified along with other units of the institute for the establishment and maintenance of quality library systems and procedures. 

The Library caters to the information needs of the institute, staff, research institutions & industries. It has more than 35,000 publications covering all disciplines of Science and Technology. The collection comprises printed books, reports, theses, standards, atlases and journal back volumes. The non-book collections include material like micro fiche/film, and CDROM discs. Our library currently subscribes to more than 100 scholarly journals in sciences and engineering. Under the CSIR E-journal consortium, the library provides On-line access to a large number of full-text journals from various publishers. These databases are accessible on intranet to campus users only. 

The library provides various services for its members such as - Lending of books and journal back volumes, reservation of books, inter-library loan, document delivery, photocopying , CDROM and Internet services. All the library activities are computerized, including searching of books in the library through a web OPAC using Libsys. 

The mission of the library is to provide information services and access to bibliographic and full text digital and printed resources to support the scholarly and informational needs of the user community. 

The mission of the Library is to facilitate creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization and dissemination of knowledge resources and providing for value added services.


Section 2: Knowledge Dissemination Centre

Mandate & Activities:

Standardization,  Certification,  Accreditation, Consultancy services for manufacturing sector and  service sector. Conducting first party and  second party auditing and Inspection of  companies. IS/ISO 9000 Quality Management System,  Laboratory Quality System and Internal Audit as per IS/ISO 17025:2005. Managing and supporting activities of national and international R&D alliances. Coordination, Technology Transfer, MOU, Agreement, Collaboration and Licensing.  Policy  formulation for technology development and R&D management. Development and promotion of organizational business linkages with user industries.  Managing international S&T affairs of the institute. International Collaborations, Bilateral Exchange Programs and  Foreign Deputations. 

SCPD functions for dissemination of R & D results of the institute to make public aware about the R&D, important activities and achievement of the laboratory.


Important Activities & Achievements:

The department achieved the expertise in publishing various regular as well as occasional publications covering the major R&D activities of the institute. The department is engaged in preparing the Annual Reports, CSIR-CIMFR at a glance, Technical Enquiry, Vision and R&D highlights, CSIR Annual Report, Project & Work Record Book etc. Several times, SCPD has been in instrumental in preparing the reports related to Planning Commission & Parliament Questions. Besides these, SCPD participates in exhibitions to showcase the activities and accomplishments of the institute through Posters, Leaflets, Charts, Photographs and publications. Display advisements are also released to different technical Journals, Souvenirs etc. with two objectives; (i) brightening the image of the institute and (ii) selling the technology as well as instruments developed and services available.

Welcome to our library which is one of the central support services of our institute. The library homepage will provide electronic access to various full text and bibliographical databases. Our library is also ISO 9001:2000 certified along with other units of the institute for the establishment and maintenance of quality library systems and procedures.

The Library caters to the information needs of the institute, staff, research institutions & industries. It has more than 35,000 publications covering all disciplines of Science and Technology. The collection comprises printed books, reports, theses, standards, atlases and journal back volumes. The non-book collections include material like micro fiche/film, and CDROM discs. Our library currently subscribes to more than 100 scholarly journals in sciences and engineering. Under the CSIR E-journal consortium, the library provides On-line access to a large number of full-text journals from various publishers. These databases are accessible on intranet to campus users only.

The library provides various services for its members such as - Lending of books and journal back volumes, reservation of books, inter-library loan, document delivery, photocopying , CDROM and Internet services. All the library activities are computerized, including searching of books in the library through a web OPAC using Libsys.

The mission of the library is to provide information services and access to bibliographic and full text digital and printed resources to support the scholarly and informational needs of the user community.

The mission of the Library is to facilitate creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization and dissemination of knowledge resources and providing for value added services.


Section 3: Project Planning and Monitoring & E Services

Role of Head Project Planning and Monitoring & E-Services Section:


Project cell acts as a bridge between the Project Leaders and the Sponsoring Agencies on one hand and acts as facilitator between Scientists, Director, and different wings of administration including accounts.


The Main Activities:

  • Project cell acts as repository of the project documents, progress reports, fund receipt and utilization reports, project completion reports. 
  • Periodically updating all the information concerning project in such a way that any specific information about a particular project is available readily;
  • Coordination of all externally funded projects;
  • Help in review meeting to Project Leaders and Project Coordinators of CSIR-CIMFR Plan projects.
  • Comprehensive development and maintenance of project related database;
  • Organizing review meeting of In-house projects;
  • Preparation of annual budget in consultation with the scientists;
  • Coordination of IT facilities of CSIR-CIMFR.


Section 4: Human Resource Development Skill Development and JIGYASA


  • To arrange training courses for staffs as per needs as a part of skill development in the field of their expertise
  • To facilitate staffs to participate in Seminars/  Conferences/ Symposia
  • To organize customized training courses for the external  Organization
  • To facilitate the students of Engineering/ Science (PG Level) to conduct their project work as a partial requirement of their courses and to arrange visit program
  • To facilitate the scientists to apply/ nominate for different   national/ international awards to reckoned the scientific achievement made in their field of research
  • To prepare competency matrix and keep the updated record  of all staffs
  • To adopt schools & colleges and train & motivate the science teachers of the Dhanbad district under the aegis of CSIR-  HRDG, New Delhi
  • To arrange expert lectures at CSIR-CIMFR in the area of activities of the institute


Important Activities & Achievements:

  • A series of 4 training courses for NTPC, Noida entitled ‘Laboratory Training Program on Coal Quality & Analytical Methods on Coal Characterization’ had been completed during 2010 to 2016
  • A series of 7 training courses for ONGC entitled ‘Executive Training Course on Flame Proof’ had been completed during 2010 to 2016
  • A course on ‘Coal Science & Technology with special reference to Coal Gasification’ for VRDE-DRDO & CII had been organized in Feb-March, 2013.
  • A course on ‘RMR & PMP on UTM’ had been conducted for SCCL in Nov-Dec, 2015
  • Onsite Training Program to BCCL Personnel for Pilot Plant Operation & Maintenance at Pilot Plant Site, PB Area, Putkee in Nov, 2014
  • A Refresher Course on ‘Coal Carbonization’  for the executives of different steel plants has been conducted in 2015
  • Around 650 S&T staffs had been felicitated to participate and present research papers in different national/ international seminars/ symposia/ conference during 2010-6.
  • Around 2000 Engg./ Science students from different Indian Universities were felicitated to complete their project work as a part of their partial fulfillment of their course of study
  • Around 20 Expert Lectures were arranged at CSIR-CIMFR, Barwa Road, Dhanbad during 2010-16
  • Under the aegis of CSIR Program on “Faculty Training and Motivation and Adoption of Schools and Colleges by CSIR labs” two schools, namely, Sanskriti Vidya Mandir, Digwadih No. 10 and Al-Islah School, Wassepur were adopted and workshops for the school students and Science Teacher of Dhanbad district were organized.


Section 5: Testing Cell


Testing Cell Department of CIMFR, Barwa Road Campus, Dhanbad is a single focal cell, which provides ready assistances to the Mining and Allied Industries and the manufacturers of different equipment/component/materials in getting the required items tested, evaluated, calibrated and certified. The cell also co-ordinates and monitors the testing, analysis and calibration related activities of eleven testing laboratories of CIMFR, Barwa Road Campus, Dhanbad and the concerned customers, and releases the relevant test certificates for both indigenous and foreign make equipment/components.

The various activities of the cell and the concerned testing laboratories of CIMFR, Barwa Road Campus, Dhanbad are covered under ISO 9001:2008 for satisfying customers need in getting systematic and quality oriented services in respect to the testing and certification of equipment.

Important Activities & Achievements:

After the formation of the Testing Cell Department, a considerable improvement in relationship between different allied industries and CIMFR has been observed in mutual interest. The various types of activities have been taken up in the department through the eleven different testing laboratories, which have helped in continuous growth of various manufacturing and user industries of Public as well as Private sectors at large. Notably among these are:

(a)   Rendering advice regarding design modification of equipment so as to comply with statutory norms.

(b)   Investigational studies on premature failures of equipment/components to find out the reasons of failures and to suggest remedial measures.

(c)   Evaluation of performance behavior and quality assessment of different equipment/component to determine their safe and economic utilization in the industries.

(d)   Participation in drafting and revision of IS specifications.

(e)   Assistance in manufacturing of quality indigenous products comparable to other Internationally acclaimed products and thereby helping in import substitution.


Section 6: Rajbhasha

अधिदेश/Mandate: à¤¸à¤‚स्थान में संघ की राजभाषा नीति का अनुपालन सुनिश्चित करना

प्रमुख गतिविधियाँ/ Major activities:


  • तिमाही प्रगति रिपोर्ट तैयार करना
  • राजभाषा अधिनियम 1963 एवं राजभाषा नियम 1976 का अनुपालन सुनिश्चित करना। 
  • राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति की बैठक आयोजन करना।
  • नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति की बैठक में भाग लेना।
  • नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति द्वारा समय-समय पर आयोजित किए जाने वाले सम्मलेनों/ à¤•à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¯à¤¶à¤¾à¤²à¤¾à¤“ं में भाग लेना।
  • हिंदी कार्यशाला/ à¤¸à¤‚गोष्ठी आयोजित करना।
  • राजभाषा संबंधी निरीक्षण करना।
  • सीएसआईआर द्वारा समय-समय पर मांगी गई सूचनाओं को उपलब्ध कराना।
  • मुख्यालय से प्राप्त दिशा-निर्देशों का संस्थान में कार्यान्वयन सुनिश्चित करना। 
  • सदीय राजभाषा समिति की प्रश्नावली के उत्तर तैयार करना।
  • सितंबर माह में हिंदी पखवाड़ा अथवा सप्ताह का आयोजन करना।



  • वार्षिक प्रतिवेदनों का अनुवाद एवं टंकण।
  • वेबसाईट का अनुवाद एवं टंकण।
  • प्रेस विज्ञप्तियों, विज्ञापनों, निविदाओं, संविदा, करार, कार्यालय ज्ञापन, कार्यालय आदेश, परिपत्रों आदि का अनुवाद एवं टंकण।
  • फॉर्मों का द्विभाषीकरण एवं टंकण।
  • अनुवाद कार्य का प्रूफ संशोधन।



  • निदेशक महोदय का गणतंत्र दिवस एवं स्वतंत्रता दिवस का भाषण मूल रूप से तैयार करना।
  • नव वर्ष के संदेश का हिंदी में अनुवाद करना।   


NameDesignationEmail & phonePhoto
Project Planning and Industry Interface
Mr. Birendra Kumar Sahu Sr. Technical Officer (2)Educational Qualification: M. B. A. (HR), M.Sc. (Maths), B.Sc. (Maths Hons.)
E-mail : bksahu[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, bksahu[dot]cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91 90311 27176, +91 87892 78946 (M)
Service image
Dr. Jai Krishna Pandey

Chief Scientist & Coordinator E-mail : jkpandey[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, jaikrishnapandey[at]gmail[dot[com
Phone : 0326-2396053, Ext. 4341 (O), 9431727134 (M)
Service image
Mr. Digamber Kumar Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : kumar_rrl[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, kumar_rrl[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 8404922615 (M)
Service image
Dr. Prem Kumar Sr. Technical Officer (1)Educational Qualification: PhD
E-mail : prem[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +91 9983525748 (M), +91 8104433182 (M)
Service image
Section: 1 Technology Management & ISTAG
Mr. Amar Nath

Chief Scientist & HOS E-mail : amarnath[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, nathamar_dhn[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 0326-2296027 Extn:4216 (O), 9431124934 (M)
Service image
Mr. Mudassar Raja Technical Assistant E-mail : mudassarraja[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, mudassarraja52[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9304171089 (M)
Service image
Section: 2 Project Planning and Monitoring
Mr. Niraj Kumar

Sr. Principal Scientist & HOS E-mail : niraj_kumar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, nk_cmri[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : 0326 2296002 Ext: 4257 (O) , 9430336630 (M)
Service image
Mrs. Amrita Mantri Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : amritamantri[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, afrin3b[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 4257 (O) , 9939327661 (M)
Service image
Mr. Pankaj Kumar Technical Officer E-mail : pankaj[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, pankaj963[at]gmail[dot]com
, +91 8178356792 (M)
Service image
Mr. Supriyo Das Sr. Technical Officer (1) E-mail : supriyo[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +91 9664330865
Service image
Mr. Shubham Nigam Technician E-mail : shubhamnigam[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, nigamshubham75[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 7007404791, 9044500295 (M)
Service image
Mr. Sunil Hawsilal Rahangdale

Technician E-mail : sunil[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, sr270[at]rediffmail[dot]com
, 8698398120 (M)
Service image
Ms. Shubhangi Kumari Sr. Stenographer E-mail : shubhangi[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, cimfr[dot]shubhangi[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 7505062828 (M)
Service image
Mr. Sanjay Kumar Ghosh

Lab Assistant E-mail : skghosh[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, skghosh[dot]cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9546452314 (M)
Service image
Mr. Anjan Koranga Gr. D, Bearer E-mail : anjankoranga[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, anjankornga72[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8102346342 (M)
Service image
Section: 3 Human Resource Development and Publication Section
Mr. Dilip Kumbhakar Sr. Principal Scientist & HOS E-mail : dilip[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, dilipcimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9431729438 (M)
Service image
Dr. (Mrs). Mousumi Mallick Mrs. Mousumi Mallick E-mail : mousumi[dot]mallick[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, mousumi[dot]mallick_cimfr[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 9204551490 (M)
Service image
Dr. Pallavi Das Scientist E-mail : pallabidas[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, pallabidas[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : 9654979245
Service image
Mr. B. R. Panduranga

Pr. Technical Officer E-mail : panduranga[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, sakurampandu[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 0326-2296014 Extn: 4217 (O), 9431187774 (M)
Service image
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Singh Sr. Technical Officer (3) E-mail : testingcell[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, drjksingh[at]cimfr[dot]nic[dot]in
Phone : 0326-2296061, Ext.4258 (O), 9430136304 (M)
Service image
Mr. Guguloth Suresh Technical Officer E-mail : gsuresh[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, g.sureshifs[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8099585820 (M)
Service image
Section: 5 Testing Cell
Mr. Ajay Khalkho Sr. Principal Scientist & HoS E-mail : khalkhoajay[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, khalkhoajay[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 9471113163 (M)
Service image
Mr. Anand Kumar Upadhyay Sr. Technical Officer (1) E-mail : anandupadhyay[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +918949217784
Service image
Mr. Abhishek Kumar Pandey Junior Stenographer E-mail : vikrantpandey26[at]gmail[dot]com, apandey[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : 7759821415 (M)
Service image
Section: 6 Rajbhasha
Ms. Sahana Chaudhuri

Hindi Officer & HOS E-mail : sahana[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, 82[dot]sahana[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8102458561, 9239256781 (M)
Service image
Mrs. Anima Kumari Mahato

Hindi Officer E-mail : anima.m[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, anima[dot]cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8986684856, 8210411053 (M)
Service image
Section 7. Information Technology Services
Mr. Amit Jaiswal Sr. Technical Officer (2) & HoS E-mail : amitjaiswal[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, ajcimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : : 0326-2296108, 4213 (O), 9471784790 (M)
Service image
Dr. Surajit Das Sr. Technical Officer (1)Educational Qualification: M.Tech, PhD
Section: Information Technology Services
E-mail : surajit[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +91 9252892729
Service image
Section 8. GST Cell
Dr. Shankhajit Mitra

Sr. Technician (1) E-mail : sm[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : 4456(O), 9431375330 (M)
Service image
29 Results
Sl. No.A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos
Section 1: BDIL
Section: 2 Standards Technology Management ISTAG Publication and Knowledge Center.

The Knowledge Resource Centre supports CIMFR staff with up to date R&D information backup through well organised library and on-line access to global database, documentation, photography, reprographic and printing facilities. It organises customised information services through membership. The centre contributes to the promotion of the Laboratory's R&D business


A rich collection of over 35,000 documents (books, bound journals, standards & Specifications, Reports, CD-ROMs etc). Current subscription of journals & periodicals is around 100.

CD-ROM databases Standalone version available at our library
ASTM standards on CD-ROM
BIS & BSI standards catalogue on CD-ROM
  1. Current Contents Page of Journals
  2. National / International Conference Alert Service
  3. Internet Access
  4. Retrospective Literature Search
  5. Computerised Circulation (issue/return) using Barcode scanner
  6. Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) enables searches to be conducted with ease and speed.
  7. Inter-library Loan services.
  8. Reference Services.
  9. Reprographic Services.
Section: 3 HRD Skill Devlopment and Jigyasa.
Section: 4 Information Technology & Project Monitoring
Section: 5 Testing Cell
Section: 6 Hindi Cell
Sl. No.NameSponsorDurationObjectiveMajor output(if any)
Section 1: BDIL
Section 2: HRD & AcSIR
Section 3: Testing Cell
1Development of feasibility assessment model for adaptation of underground coal gasification technology in the North-East Region of India.Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India.23-04-2012 to 31-03-2016.

(i)  Development of a feasibility assessment model for adaptation of underground coal gasification (UCG) technology in North-East Region of India.

(ii) Development of gas monitoring and power cut-off system for existing underground coal mines to avoid explosion.

(iii) Development of database related to coal deposits of North-East Region and web-enabling of the information.

(i) Local methane detector system has been developed.

(ii) Web enabled database software of primary coal properties in NER of India has been developed.

2Name: Development of tracking system for controlling illegal mining and coal transportation in North Eastern Coalfields, Assam.Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India.04-09-2013 to 03-03-2016.

(i) Development of coal transportation tracking and control system using RFID tags and GPS in authorized route.

(ii) Development of vehicle detection system using microwave sensors in unauthorized routes.

(iii) Development of application software for controlling the systems.

(iv) Deployment of the developed systems in a coal mine of North Eastern Coalfields, Assam.

1.  Weighbridge automation modules have been installed successfully.

2.  The subsystem modules like CCTV, RFID, PLC Boom barrier, Control room etc. has been installed.

3.  Static and in-motion weighbridge has been installed.

4.  Centralized billing and software solution for dispatch with mobile App has been made.

5.  Proximity warning for heavy earth moving machinery has been installed and tested on Dumpers.

6.  RFID based tracking for dumpers have been done.

Section 4: Standards Technology Management & ISTAG
Section 5: Information Technology & Project Monitoring
Section 6: Publication Department
Section 7: Knowledge Resources Centre

To have union catalogue  of CSIR KRC’s 

Open source library automation using KOHA

8 Results

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