Mine Mechanization and Technology Development
The MMTD research group consists of two sections: Intelligent Mining Systems, and Automation and Product Development.  This group consists of members with multidisciplinary expertise and works towards the mine mechanization and technology development
Our Mandate:
Mine Mechanization and Technology Development research group aims to develop new capabilities for the mining industry and improve safety, profitability and sustainability in mine design, operation, and closure activities. The primary focus is on mechanization and automation of mining activities with the state-of-the-art technologies in mining industry encompassing all methods of coal and non-coal mining (underground and opencast) in India and abroad. It also includes R&D for automation and communication to encourage safe and productive mining; IoT based application of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, image processing, etc.; Carrying out collaborative projects on turn-key basis; R&D on photovoltaic solar cells, multipurpose devices, safety testing of electronics & IT products and web applications for societal upliftment; Patent, technology transfer and commercialization of developed products.

About us:

This group is majorly looking into research for modernization and application of latest technologies in mining which facilitates multi-disciplinary research in the following areas:

  • Investigating and analysing properties and mechanics of rock mass for mine mechanisation with Longwall technology, Shortwall method, and the other continuous mining technologies.

  • Identifying and applying latest technologies in coal and non-coal mines for higher productivity and safety;

  • Understanding of human factors in mechanisation and automation,

  • Applying innovative systems (Embedded based) approach to mechanisation and automation.

  • Incorporation of IoT, Machine learning and different signal processing technology for safe, productive and economic mining. 

  • Development of technologies for societal upliftment.

  • Providing training and consultancy services to the industry in the areas of mine mechanisation in coal and non-coal industries

Our expertise 

  • Geotechnical study for mechanisation with Longwall, Shortwall, and other Continuous mining technologies to extract mineral from complex deposits.

  • Mine-scale numerical methods (FLAC & FEA) for stability analysis of mine structures, partings, and barriers.

  • Seismic monitoring of mine structures in coal and non-coal mines.

  • Hard roof management in coal and non-coal mines.

  • Real time monitoring of geotechnical parameters for ground safety.

  • Condition monitoring of machines, equipment and support systems deployed in mines.

  • Techno-economic evaluation of mining and allied industry projects.

  • Embedded systems for safety and productivity optimization in coal and non-coal mines.

  • Scientific investigation of mineral rules, regulation and policy to exploit complex deposits.

  • Preparation of mining plan and mine closure plan for coal and non-coal mines.

  • Underground structural health and reliability assessment and management.

  • Mine life cycle assessment and sustainable mining practices.

  • Research and development for efficient monitoring, control, automation and communication to improve safety and productivity in mines.

  • Development of real-time monitoring, hazard prediction and control system using IoT-based sensors and devices along with application of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, image processing, etc.

  • Carrying out collaborative projects in association with industries, manufacturers, research and academic institutes for implementation of turn-key based projects.

  • Design of multi-purpose devices, web applications for societal benefits. 

  • Technology developments, transfer of technologies and commercialization of the developed products for the benefit of mining industry and society.


Our Accomplishments 

  • Application of numerical modelling for simulating the caving behaviour of the overlying rock beds, predicting the caving span, convergence, closure abutment stress and estimation of support resistance. This numerical modeling on prediction of longwall roof behaviour with goaf simulation has greatly helped to overcome strata control problems, so long prevalent in longwall mines of India.


  • A method to classify the coal mine roof rock according to the caving behavior has been developed. Caving Index number has been introduced based on the stratification and the physico-mechanical properties of the roof rock layers. Based on this Caving Index number and other mining parameters the coal mine roof can be classified and the required support capacity for safe extraction of coal can be determined.


  • Introduced microseismic monitoring in mines and development of “Specific Instability Criterion” and modules in MATLAB to calculate seismic parameters has helped to quantify the degree of instability over worked out panels and previously extracted unknown workings in coal mines. The microseismic monitoring technique can be effectively used for ground control, roof fall prediction, detection of unknown workings below railway tracks and monitoring of rock burst prone mines.

  • Hard roof management by induced caving of massive and bridging rock beds by hydro-fracturing with water injection under high pressure and development of methodology for design and planning of hydro-fracturing at any locale. This has potential to improve the cavability and fragmentation of the broken rock debris in the goaf. Mining with hydro-fracturing as caving technique will improve both productivity and safety of the mines.

  • Introduction of “Oblique shortwall mining method” for fast liquidation of standing pillars in underground coal mines in India. The method was designed and implemented for the first time in India at Balrampur mine, SECL and RK-NT mine, Srirampur Area, SCCL. Extraction was successfully completed in 10 shortwall panels of Balarampur mine, and 4 shortwall panels in RK-NT with this technology.


  1. detection and alerting system using wireless sensor network

  2. Integrated strata, gas and environment monitoring system for underground mines

  3. Mine transport surveillance system

  4. Local methane detector

  5. A Device for 'Directional Illuminated Support under Harsh Ambience’ (DISHA)

  6. Vision Improvement Device for Harsh Atmosphere Caused by Temperature Attenuation (VIDHATA)

  7. Intelligent dust suppression system for mining applications

  8. Biometric-based Exploder

  9. Biometric-based theft control device for motor bikes

  10. Automatic headlamp dimming device

  11. Blocks and sand manufacturing process using mine wastes

  12. Intrinsically safe digital fuel meter

  13. Digital mine using Internet of Things

  14. Portable weather and environmental monitoring system

  15. Retractable bed cover and dust collector for transport vehicles

  16. Slope stabilization and monitoring technique using geo-synthetic concrete cement mat and IoT devices

  17. Solar-based multipurpose utility system

  18. Portable dust monitoring device for measuring PM10 and PM2.5

  19. Sensor-based soil and water analysis device

NameDesignationEmail & phonePhoto
Section 1: Intelligent Mining Systems
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Mishra Sr. Principal Scientist E-mail : pkmishra[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, mishrapkapp[at]gmail[dot]com
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Dr. Swades Kumar Chaulya

Scientist & HOS E-mail : chaulyask[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : 326-2296045 (O), 9471191387 (M)
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Mr. Naresh Kumar

Sr. Technical Officer (3) E-mail : nareshkr[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, nkcfri[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : 9431318083 (M)
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Mr. Surajit Dey Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : surajitdey[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, surajitcmri[at]gmail[dot]com, surajitcmri[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : +91-9431160729 (M)
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Dr. Prem Kumar Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : prem[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +91 9983525748 (M), +91 8104433182 (M)
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Mr. Vikash Kumar

Technical Officer E-mail : vikash170294[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8969817209 (M)
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Mr. Vijay Kumar Rawani Technician E-mail : rawanivijay[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, vijayrawani0326[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 7209761897, 7677565704 (M)
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Section 2: Automation and Product Development
Mr. Nilabjendu Ghosh

Sr. Scientist & HOS E-mail : nilabjendu[dot]ghosh[at]cimfr[dot]res[]dot]in, ngtrueblue[at]gmail[dot]com
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8 Results
Sl. No.A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos
Major Facilities

The EISTL (Electronics and IT Products Safety Testing Lab) of ‘Intelligent Mining Systems’ division is having various state of the art facilities. Photographs of some major equipment are given below:























Vibration Test Machine


A part of the lab setup


Other Facilities: Geo-technical software tools such as RS2, Dips, Map3D, UnWedge, Examine3D



SL. NO. Projects Sponsor


Development of landslide monitoring system for North-East Region of India using wireless sensor networking

Ministry of electronics and information technology (MeitY)


Development of a road dust collecting system



Development of tracking and monitoring system using RFID tags for disaster management in underground mines

Ministry of electronics and information technology (MeitY)


Development of wireless communication system for underground mines (including trapped miner communication)

Ministry of electronics and information technology (MeitY)


Development of feasibility assessment model for adaption of underground coal gasification technology in North East region of India

Ministry of electronics and information technology (MeitY)


Development of tracking system for controlling illegal mining and coal transportation for NER of India

Ministry of electronics and information technology (MeitY)


Setting-up of safety testing facility for electronics and IT products

Ministry of electronics and information technology (MeitY)


Development of road dust collecting and briquetting system

Council of scientific and industrial research (CSIR)


Development of digital mine using Internet of Things

Ministry of electronics and information technology (MeitY)


Development of vision enhancement system for foggy weather

MeitY & NMDC


Setting-up of information and facilitation centre for empowering living of SC in Jharkhand State

Ministry of electronics and information technology (MeitY)


Scientific  studies and implementation of Mine transport surveillance system at Kumaraswamy and Donimali Iron Ore Mine and Donimalai Pellet Plant

National mineral development corporation (NMDC)


Implementation of dust suppression system at Donimalai Crushing and Screening Plant

National mineral development corporation (NMDC).


Performance testing of tele-monitoring system



Performance testing of RFID device



Development of slope stabilization and monitoring technique using geo-synthetic concrete cement mat and IoT devices



Scientific Investigations for Capacity Enhancement of 6.7 km long Sei Dam Tunnel of Water Resources Department, Zone Jodhpur, Government of Rajasthan, Jodhpur

Department of Irrigation, Govt. of Rajasthan


Advice for coal Extraction in XV(T&B) seam at Moonidih Colliery and design of Longwall workings with no adverse subsidence impact on surface, considering parting stability and other related rock mechanics aspects with empirical and numerical modeling techniques

Bharat Coking Coal Limited – Indu Projects Limited


Advice on Suitable Method to Safely Cross Fault Zone in Longwall Panel No. 1 of RVI Seam, Jhanjra Project Colliery, Jhanjra Area

Eastern Coalfields Limited


Advice regarding caving behaviour of Adriyala LW Panel No. 2 of Adriyala Project Area, SCCL

Singareni Collieries Company Limited


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