Our Mandate

To design safe and efficient underground mining methodsthrough innovative, analytical, experimental, empirical and computational approaches with due consideration to production, productivity, safety, conservation and sustainability.

About us
This Research Group has three Sections as follows:
1. Underground Mining MethodsprovidesR&D back-ups for the design of safe and efficient mechanised underground mining methods and advanced technological solutions to the typical mining problems.
2. Rockmass Characterisation & Innovative Mining Methodis doingR&D with the application of basic principles of rock mechanics and ground control for safe and efficient underground mining, inclusive of extensive laboratory testing as well as the study on simulated numerical models and field studies.
3. Geomechanics & Numerical Simulation strives to improve the safety, productivity and efficiency of mining operations through innovative analytical, experimental and computational methods in geotechnical analysis and design of underground coal and metalliferous mines.

Our Expertise
Underground Mining Methods
  1. Design of efficient extraction methodologies for bord and pillar and longwall mining.
  2. Design of efficient extraction methodologies for non-coal mining / various stoping methods and different structures for non-coal mines.
  3. Design of pillars and arrays of pillars for different mining methods including chain-pillars/barrier pillars 
  4. Method of mining for the deployment of Continuous Miner (CM), Shearer, etc. for mechanised extraction.
  5. Natural (pillar/rib/snook/stump, etc.) and artificial supports (rock bolts, cable bolts, conventional supports and other suitable supports).
  6. Extraction methodologies for thin, thick, contiguous, inclined, deep-seated, complex and difficult coal seams.
  7. Formulation/Preparation of Strata Control and Management Plan (SCAMP) / Ground Control Management Plan (GCMP).
  8. Instrumentation and strata monitoring during extraction/monitoring and analysis of strata control parameters.
  9. Cavability prediction, roof management, ground control risk assessment and geotechnical reliability.
  10. Different partial extraction methods to protect the surface and sub-surface structures.
Rockmass Characterisation & Innovative Mining Method
  1. Design of underground coal mining methods for different geomining conditions (depth, thickness, discontinuities, inclination etc.) of coal seams.
  2. Better understanding of Indian geo-mining conditions and rock mass characterisation (RMR) for an efficient design of support and underground mining structures based on geotechnical investigations.
  3. Numerical simulation for stability evaluation of underground structures and strata mechanics investigations.
  4. Using basic rock mechanics principles to address different problems of underground coal mining.
  5. Designing geotechnical elements (like cut-out distance, rib/snook, roof bolts-based breaker-line support etc.) of continuous miner based mechanised and conventional depillaring.
  6. R&D back-ups to deal with extremely difficult to cave to easily caveable roof strata mechanics problems of underground coal mining.
  7. Underground instrumentation, monitoring, analysis and validation of strata control parameters.
Geomechanics & Numerical Simulation
  1. Assessment of caving characteristics in underground coal mines.
  2. Stability evaluation of the structures in underground coal and metalliferous mines by analytical, empirical and numerical modelling.
  3. Numerical simulation for the design of underground mining by Continuous Miner and Longwall Technology.
  4. Feasibility assessment of different stoping methods in underground metalliferous mines.
  5. Simulation and performance evaluation of underground support systems.

Our Accomplishment
  1. Development of Cable bolting based depillaring of thick coal seams in a single lift.
  2. Wide stall mining for partial extraction of coal seams under constraints.
  3. Underpinning based simultaneous extraction of contiguous sections under fragile parting.
  4. A mining method to extract complete thickness of a thick coal seam (already developed along roof horizon) using staggered technique instead of superimposition in Blasting Gallery.
  5. Design of rib-system of mining, Navid method of coal extraction. 
  6. Development of Pillar strength equation for underground coal mines and area of main fall prediction equation" during depillaring of Bord & Pillar workings under Indian Geo-mining condition.
  7. Development of "Rock failure criteria for stability analysis of rock mass"
  8. Development of "Guidelines for support design at the depillaring faces in developed Bord & Pillar workings in Indian Coal Mines".
  9. Development of "Guidelines for designing of support system for parting stability between contiguous seam workings during development and depillaring in Indian Coal Mines".
  10. Development of "Pillar strength equation in the presence of non-coal bands in coal seams for underground coal mines "
  11. Design of special method of mining such as "Goaf Pillar Method of Mining", "Non-effective Width Method of Mining", and "Wide Stall Method of Mining" for Bord & Pillar workings below the surface or sub-surface structures.
  12. "Pillar design and extraction methodology for Multi-seam Workings and Steeply Incline coal mines".
  13. Expertise in the design of extraction methodology for developed/virgin  "Bord & Pillar Workings" in underground coal mines using "Mass Production Technology" such as Continuous Miner Technology, Shortwall Mining and Blasting Gallery Method.
  14. Designed Continuous Miner Panels/instrumentation and monitoring at umpteen coal mines’ locales.
  15. Developed a conceptual model to design rib/snook, breaker-line support and cut-out distance for mechanised depillaring in unique Indian geomining conditions.
  16. 2D & 3D Numerical modelling for design of mining methods, stability assessment and support design.
  17. Design and/or feasibility studies addressing all types of underground geo-mechanics problems for Metalliferous mines related to:
  18. Design and stability assessment of shaft and decline.
  19. Design of support system for decline and other drivages used for mining purposes.
  20. Design and stability analysis of crown pillar, sill pillar, rib pillars, stope back.
  21. Design of various stoping methods with paste fill, CRF (Cemented Rock Fill) and RF under different geo-mining conditions.
  22. Design of mining methods below open pit in metalliferous mines.
  23. Ground Control Management Plan and Geotechnical monitoring of metalliferous mines.
  24. Automatic measurement of strata deformation, nature and amount of stress redistribution during underground coal mining, online monitoring and analysis of strata control parameters.
  25. Worked in a Joint research project under ASCR, Czech Republic-CSIR, India (2009-2014) on “Rock mechanics investigations to meet challenges of strata control of deep underground coal mining using de-stress blasting to mitigate the problems of coal bump/rock bursts and manage caveability of hard and massive roof strata”. 

NameDesignationEmail & phonePhoto
Head of the Research Group
Dr. Prabhat Kumar Mandal

Chief Scientist & HORG E-mail : pkmandal[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, pkmandal[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9431727200, 7004227211 (M)
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Section 1: Underground Mining Methods
Dr. Prabhat Kumar Mandal

Chief Scientist & HOS E-mail : pkmandal[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, pkmandal[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9431727200, 7004227211 (M)
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Dr. Ranjan Kumar

Sr. Principal Scientist E-mail : ranjan[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, ranjan4k[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 0326-2296004/5, 8252188063 (O)
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Mr. Amar Kumar Singh

Technical Assistant E-mail : amarsingh[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, Singh[dot]amar092[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8709719199, 9431990178 (M)
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Mr. Subhay Kumar Prasad

Technical AssistantEducational Qualification: Geology,Panjab University,Chandigarh, B.sc.(honours),M.sc (honours)Ph.d (ongoing)
E-mail : subhaykumar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, subhay[dot]lovely[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9023645709, 9988211321 (M)
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Mr. Debabrata Sikdar Lab Assistant E-mail : dsikdar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, dsikdarcimfr[at]rediffmail[dot]com, dsikdar1967[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9031944227 (M)
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Section 2: Rockmass Characterization and Innovative Mining Methods
Dr. Arun Kumar Singh

Chief Scientist and HOS E-mail : arun[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, aksingh72[at] yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 0326 2296043 Extn. 4333(O), 9431728535 (M)
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Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Sr. Principal Scientist E-mail : rakesh[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, kumarrakesh18[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 0326 2296043 / Extn. 4328 (O) , 9431292718 (M)
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Mr. Niraj Kumar Sr. Principal Scientist E-mail : niraj_kumar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, nk_cmri[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : 0326 2296004 Ext: 4223 (O) , 9430336630 (M)
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Mr. Avinash Paul

Principal Scientist E-mail : avinashpaul[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : 0326 2296004 Extn: 4223 (O), 9431124271 (M)
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Mr. Pramod Kumar

Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : pramod_kumar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, prmdcmri[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 0326 2296004 Extn: 4223(O), 9431542343 (M)
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Dr. Amit Kumar Singh

Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : amit[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, amitcmri[at] yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 0326 2296043 / Extn. 4328 , 9431168837 (M)
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Section 3: Geo Mechanics and Numerical Simulation
Dr. Arka Jyoti Das

Sr. Scientist & HOS E-mail : arkajyoti[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, arkajyoti19[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8902461329 (M)
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Mr. Nilabjendu Ghosh Scientist E-mail : nilabjendu[dot]ghosh[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, ngtrueblue[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 70446 69778 (M)
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Mr. Rana Bhattacharjee

Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : rana_b[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, rbjeein[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 9431723528 (M)
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Mr. Subodh Kumbhakar

Technical Assistant E-mail : skumbhakar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, subodhk8541[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8789980589 (M)
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Mr. Subhashish Tewari

Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : tewari_s[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, tewari_s[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 9431158865 (M)
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Mr. Banti Kumar Dhar

Technical Assistant E-mail : bantidhar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, banti863[at]gmail[dot]com, bkdhar880[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 7979723141 (M)
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Mr. Debabrata Sikdar Lab Assistant E-mail : dsikdhar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, dsikdarcimfr[at]rediffmail[dot]com, dsikdar1967[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9031944227 (M)
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19 Results
Sl. No.A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos
Major Facilities
  1. Facilities for numerical simulation using FLAC, FLAC3D, 3-DEC, ANSYS, MatLab.
  2. Different geotechnical instruments/sensors for strata behaviour monitoring during underground mining. 
  3. Data logger-based instrumentation on real-time basis for strata movement study
  4. Facilities for preparation of Strata Control and Monitoring Plan (SCAMP).
  5. Facilities for Characterisation of roof rock mass based on RMR study.
  6. Knowhow for empirical formulation to design breaker line support and rib/snook for mechanised/conventional depillaring.
  7. Knowhow for empirical formulation to estimate range and value of mining induced stress for depillaring with caving faces.
  8. Knowhow for empirical formulation to decide the triggering limit in Auto Warning Tell-tale for safe and efficient depillaring.


Sl.No Projects Sponsors
1 Design and stability of pillars/arrays of pillars for different mining methods in coal mine workings Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India
2 Roof rock reinforcement system (R3S) for mine roadways intersection under varying geomining conditions CSIR
3 To find a methodology of safe liquidation of thick seams of Raniganj Coalfields: Design & development & show-casing demonstrative trials at Khottadih Colliery, ECL Coal India Limited,
R&D Board
4 Design of real-time prognosis system (RTPS) for overall cost reduction and safe operation of mobile machinery: Show-cased Demonstration of Dumper Fleet Coal India Limited, R&D Board
5 Advice on the feasibility of development and depillaring of R-VI and R-IV seams using Continuous Miner (CM) at Kumardihi-B Mine, ECL for the CM project of GCPL GainwellCommosales Private Limited
6 Advice for depillaring of different panels of seam V by Continuous Miner Technology in the East Block of Churcha Mine (RO), Baikunthpur Area, SECL GMMCO Ltd
7 Advice for design of extraction methodology for development and depillaring of R-V seam using CM  and instrumentation and strata monitoring of continuous miner working during development/depillaring operation  at MIC, Jhanjra project colliery, ECL GainwellCommosales Private Limited
8 Advice for safe working of Thick Seam Top and Thick Seam Bottom with Continuous Miner Technology at Kondapuram CM Project, SCCL SMS Ltd
9 Advice/Scientific study to formulate Strata Control and Monitoring Plan (SCAMP) for five underground coal mines of Tata Steel Limited Tata Steel Limited
10 Advice for design of extraction methodology for development and depillaring of Sector-F of R-VII and R-VIIA seams using Low Height Continuous Miner (LHCM) at 3 & 4 Incline, Jhanjra Project Colliery, ECL GainwellCommosales Private Limited
11 Advice on mining/geotechnical sequence and instrumentation and strata monitoring during stoping at Rampura Agucha underground mine, HZL Hindustan Zinc Limited
12 Advice for safe method of pillar extraction in the Panel Nos. 2 & 3 of Lower Workable Seam using Continuous Miner technology at Tawa-II underground coal mine, Pathakhera Area, WCL Trident &Auro Mining LLP
13 Advice for safe depillaring of different panels in No 1 Seam using CM based mechanised depillaring technology at GDK11 Incline Singareni Collieries Company Limited
14 Advice for design of extraction methodology for development and depillaring workings of King seam at PVK-5 Incline mine, SCCL for the designated CM project area of GCPL GainwellCommosales Private Limited
15 Strata control studies based advice for safe depillaring in different continuous miner panels of L1B seam at Pinoura Mine, SECL SMS Ltd
16 Determination of RMR and formulation of Strata Control and Monitoring Plan (SCAMP) in different mines of ECL, WCL, SAIL Eastern Coalfields Limited, Western Coalfields Limited and Steel Authority of India Limited
17 Scientific study to assess the efficacy of the support system during the working of the panel and thereafter continuously monitor the strata movement from the outside of the panel till the completion of extraction in the panel and two subsequent years at Sarni UG Mine E3 panel of Pathakhera Area, WCL Western Coalfields Limited
18 Advice for feasibility of extraction of developed pillars including instrumentation and monitoring by CM technology in the King seam below caved goaf and barrier of Top seam at VK-7 Incline mine, SCCL Singareni Collieries Company Limited
19 Geotechnical monitoring of underground workings stability and review/audit of “Ground Control Management Plan” at Rampura Agucha underground mine, HZL Hindustan Zinc Limited
20 Scientific study to liquidate (development and depillaring) the Salarjung seam in identified patches at Shantikhani mine with Continuous Miner technology and strata monitoring of development workings in Salarjung seam at Shantikhani Mine with Continuous miner technology, Mandamarri Area, SCCL Singareni Collieries Company Limited

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