Our Mandate

To undertake basic and applied research in the area of gasification of coal, biomass, petcoke towards development of suitable gasification technology and selection criterion vis-à-vis utilization strategy along with syngas utilization towards different applications including methanol and chemicals.

About us

This research group consists of two sections - Gasification, Methanol and Hydrogen Economy Section associated with R&D activities in the area of gasification of coal, biomass, petcoke and addresses the industrial problems related to gasification and Catalysis section which is engaged in R&D activities in the area of development of heterogeneous catalyst for conversion of syngas to chemicals/fuels.

Our Expertise
Gasification, Methanol and Hydrogen Economy Section
  1. In-depth knowledgebase and expertise about characterization and understanding of coal/biomass properties towards gasification vis-à-vis selection of matching gasification technology as well as development of utilization pattern and suitable strategies. 
  2. Proficiency in the area of design of pilot/demo-scale PFBG facilities, understanding ash behaviour inside the gasifier, analysing and addressing operational problems.
  3. Development of suitable gasification technology along with required operational philosophy to handle Indian coal, biomass as well as assessment of physico-chemical characteristics and their role in gasification performance, operational issues with necessary remedies.
  4. Supports to industries to address the issues related to gasification as well as enhancing the performance with judicious use of different feedstock.
  5. Gasifier performance evaluation and techno-economic feasibility of commercial scale gasification processes for different end uses like CTL, methanol, SNG, DRI, fertilizer, power, thermal applications, etc. 
  6. Knowledgebase to provide prefeasibility/feasibility studies in the area of gasification, syngas utilization, skill development/training to academic & industrial people.
  7. CSIR-CIMFR has inter-linked expert groups on Coal Science & Characterization, Mineral Technology, Coal Preparation, Carbonization, Combustion, Coal to Liquid/Chemicals and Environmental Management.
  8. Syngas utilization towards value added products such as Methanol, Chemicals, catalyst development and development of pilot scale facilities for syngas utilization.
  9. Support to different government bodies as a technical member such as Technical Standing Committee for Indian Coal Gasification Mission, Resource Group for Ministry of Coal, Technical review committee of CHT.
Catalysis Section
  1. Expertise in gas-solid catalytic reaction
  2. Preparation and characterization of heterogeneous catalyst for synthesis of methanolfrom coal/biomass derived syngas


Our Accomplishments
  1. Developed 1.5 TPD Oxygen Enriched Pressurised Fluidized Bed Gasifier (PFBG)
  2. Established Gasification Centre of Excellence.
  3. Developed Thermo-gravimetric Reactor Analyzer (TGR) for kinetic study of powder/granular/lump size of coal.
  4. Developed pilot scale fluidized bed gasification facility feed rate capacity 15 - 20 kg/h and operating temperature up to 1000 °C.
  5. Gasification of high ash (up to 50%) coals from different coal fields of India in pilot scale fluidized bed gasification facility has been accomplished successfully to study the gasification performance.
  6. Gasification potential mapping of Indian coal and utilization strategy.
  7. Developed correlation between physico-chemical properties of feed material and its effect on gasification kinetics.
  8. Prefeasibility/feasibility studies in the area of gasification for different organizations including JSW Ballary, Adani Gujarat, Gujarat Gas Limited (GGL), Gujarat, etc.

NameDesignationEmail & phonePhoto
Head of the Research Group
Dr. Prakash Dhondiram Chavan

Chief Scientist & HORG E-mail : pdchavan[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, chavanpd[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-326-2388315 (O), +91 99313 13637, +91 94313 17970 (M)
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Section 1: Gasification
Dr. Prakash Dhondiram Chavan

Chief Scientist & HOS E-mail : pdchavan[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, chavanpd[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-326-2388315 (O), +91 99313 13637, +91 94313 17970 (M)
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Dr. Sujan Saha

Sr. Principal Scientist E-mail : sujansaha[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, sjan_1976[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : +91-326-2388389 (O) , +91 94711 91168 (M)
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Mr. Vishal Chauhan

Sr. Scientist E-mail : vishalchauhan[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +91 94118 50253 (M)
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Dr. M. S. Santosh

Sr. Scientist E-mail : santoshms[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, santoshgulwadi[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-9480793007 (M)
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Dr. Keshav Raghuvanshi Sr. Scientist E-mail : kraghuvanshi[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +91 8604413337
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Mr. Rupesh Kumar Singh

Scientist E-mail : rupeshsingh[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, rupeshcvrce006[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 7205474779 (M)
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Dr.(Smt.) Arti Sahu

Scientist E-mail : artisahu[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, artisahu7[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8090171360 (M)
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Dr. Gajanan Sahu

Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : gajanansahu[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, gajanansahu[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-326-2388389, +91 99311 06448
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Mr. Nilesh Dhananjay Dhaigude Technical Assistant E-mail : nileshdhaigude[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, nddhaigude[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 7588945019 (M)
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Mr. Mahendra Rajak Salesman E-mail : mrajak[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +91-326-2388263, +91 92045 29717
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Mrs Meera Singh Group D (NT) E-mail : meerasingh[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +91-326-2388298, +91 72500 52720
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Section 2: Catalysis
Dr. Sudipta Datta

Chief Scientist & HOS E-mail : sdatta[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, sud_datta[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-326-2388237/389 (O), +91 9471191154 (M)
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Dr. Pavan Kumar Gupta

Sr. Scientist E-mail : pavan[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, pkchehit[at]gmail[dot]com
, +91-326-2388363 (O)
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Dr.(Smt.) Shweta Kumari

Sr. Scientist E-mail : shweta[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, shwetasingh[dot]ism@gmail.com
Phone : 9031132024 (M)
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Mr. Shiva Kumar Saw

Technical Assistant E-mail : shivakumar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, shivakumar[dot]saw07[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 7205685844 (M)
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16 Results
Sl. No.A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos
Major Facilities

Thermo-gravimetric Analyzer (TGA): Used to study the gasification reactivity and kinetics of coal, biomass and coal-biomass blends using different reactive gases at temperature up to 1200oC.

Thermo-gravimetric Analyzer (TGA): Used to study the gasification reactivity and kinetics of coal, biomass and coal-biomass blends using different reactive gases at temperature up to 1200oC.

Micro-reactor: Used for methanol synthesis in fixed bed Tabular micro reactor.

Micro-reactor: Used for methanol synthesis in fixed bed Tabular micro reactor.

Gas Chromatograph (GC):Used to determine the qualitative and quantitative analysis of gaseous component.

Gas Chromatograph (GC):Used to determine the qualitative and quantitative analysis of gaseous component.

Surface Area Analyzer: Used to determine the surface area of coal, biomass, catalyst and solid fuels.

Surface Area Analyzer: Used to determine the surface area of coal, biomass, catalyst and solid fuels.


Thermo-gravimetric Reactor (TGR): Usedto study weight changes during thermo-chemical reactions of solids in lump/granular/powder form in the gaseous environment of different gases at temperature up to 1000oC with gas analyser at outlet.

Thermo-gravimetric Reactor (TGR): Usedto study weight changes during thermo-chemical reactions of solids in lump/granular/powder form in the gaseous environment of different gases at temperature up to 1000oC with gas analyser at outlet.

Methanol reactor: High pressure packed bed modular catalytic reactor is used to conduct the experimental run for the synthesis of methanol from syngas using Cu-Al-Zn based catalysts.

Methanol reactor: High pressure packed bed modular catalytic reactor is used to conduct the experimental run for the synthesis of methanol from syngas using Cu-Al-Zn based catalysts.


1.5 TPD Oxy-Blown Pressurized Fluidized Bed Gasification (PFBG) Pilot Plant Facility: Used to test the gasification performance of high ash coal, biomass, washery reject and their blends at temperature & pressure up to 1050 oC& 10 kg/cm2 and fuel feed rate up to 60 kg/h.

1.5 TPD Oxy-Blown Pressurized Fluidized Bed Gasification (PFBG) Pilot Plant Facility: Used to test the gasification performance of high ash coal, biomass, washery reject and their blends at temperature & pressure up to 1050 oC& 10 kg/cm2 and fuel feed rate up to 60 kg/h.

20kg/h Air-Blown Pressurized Fluidized Bed Gasification (PFBG) Pilot Plant Facility: Used to test the gasification performance of high ash coal, biomass, washery reject and their blends at temperature & pressure up to 970 oC& 3 kg/cm2 and fuel feed rate between 10-20 kg/h.

20kg/h Air-Blown Pressurized Fluidized Bed Gasification (PFBG) Pilot Plant Facility: Used to test the gasification performance of high ash coal, biomass, washery reject and their blends at temperature & pressure up to 970 oC& 3 kg/cm2 and fuel feed rate between 10-20 kg/h.

Sl.No. Projects Sponsor
1 Development of 1.5 TPD Oxy-blown PFBG Plant sponsored by CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad
2 Development of 20 kg/h Air-blown PFBG Standing Scientific Research Committee, Ministry of Coal(SSRC, MoC)
3 Gasification Potential Mapping of Indian Coal CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad
4 Coal-Syngas to Methanol (CoSynol): Syngas Clean-up, Conditioning and conversion to methanol under the CSIR Mission directorate CSIR Mission Directorate
5 Feasibility Study on Coal Gasification Project for JSW Steel Pvt. Ltd., Ballary, Karnataka JSW Steel Private Limited, Ballary
6 Multi-feed gasification performance evaluation of coal, biomass and blends in PFBG DRDO-VRDE, Ahmednagar
7 Coal briquetting & characterization for Transworld FurtichemRohaPvt. Ltd., Mumbai Transworld FurtichemRoha Private Limited, Mumbai
8 Prefeasibility study on Coal Gasification to supplement Natural gas with Syngas Gujarat Gas Limited, Ahmedabad, Gujrat
9 Development of Catalyst for synthesis of Methanol from syngas CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad
10 Catalytic Petcoke Gasification CSIR, FBR project
11 Effect of Ash composition on Gasification behaviour of Coal CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad
12 Ash Characterization with respect to operational aspect in different type of gasifier CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad
13 Co-gasification of coal and biomass, CSIR 11th and 12th FYP plan projects CSIR
14 Prefeasibility study on coal gasification Adani Energy, Gujrat

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