  1. To achieve excellence in coke making technologies and associated equipments vis-á-vis reduction in import of metallurgical coal, utilisation of indigenous carbon resources and strive for solution of industrial problems. 
  2. To carry out sustainable ash utilisation, Hg emission, post mining ecosystem development, characterization of biomass feedstockand prepare certified reference materials for coal, biomass, and ash.

About Us
This group consists of mainly two sections - Coal Carbonisation Section and Environment, Emission and CRM Section. 
Coal Carbonisation Section
Coal Carbonisation sectionhas to its credit state-of-the-art technologies likeNon-Recovery coke making, briquetting and pelletisation of coal and coke fines for rejects utilisation, Soft coke making technology for domestic purposes etc. These developed technologies are in huge market demand till today. Butwith increasing scarcity of indigenous coking coal, the section has developed Stamp Charging and coke quenching system for Non-Recovery Coke Ovens in which inferior indigenous coals may be used as blend for quality coke making. The section strives for R&D on utilization of indigenous inferior coal to a greater extent in coke making for resolving the coking coal crisis of the country. Besides these, providing solutions to industrial problems is one of the thrust areas of the division.
Environment, Emission and CRM Section
The Environment, Emission and Certified Reference Material(CRM) section is fortified with experienced Scientists and Technical Officers for addressing environmental issues of the coal mining industries, and coal/biomass fired power plants. It has the state-of-the-art facilities for environmental monitoring and bench scale reactors for extraction of valuable materials from fly ash and industrial wastes.

Our Expertise
Coal Carbonisation Section
  1. R&D on carbonization of coal and biomass
  2. Briquetting and pelletization of coal and coke fines
  3. Providing concept to commission solution for Non-recovery/Heat recovery coke ovens with stamp charging and coke quenching facility.
  4. Providing solutions for troubleshooting of coal and coke related issues of small cookeries and integrated steel plants.
  5. Providing training in coal carbonisation and coke plant operations.
Environment, Emission and CRMSection
  1. Sustainable utilization of coal and biomass ash. 
  2. Extraction of value-added materials from ash.
  3. Mercury emission and abatement from coal fired power plants & other industries like primary metal and cement production.
  4. Trace elements behaviour during combustion of coal and biomass fuels and their potential dispersion to the environment.
  5. Ecosystem development in post mining sites. 
  6. Standardisation of test method and development of indigenous CRM for characterisation of solid fuels.

Our Accomplishment
Coal Carbonisation Section
  1. Development of stamp charging technology for utilization of indigenous inferior coal in coke making
  2. Design and development of improved soft coke oven for commercial coke production
  3. Design and development of different type non-recovery/heat recovery hard coke oven for commercial coke production 
Environment, Emission and CRMSection
  1. Developed process for extraction of potassium from biomass and spent wash ash.
  2. Developed the inventory of Hg emission in India under the aegis of UNDP and MoEF&CC.
  3. Developed process for conversion of waste biomass into biocharbased fertilizers.
  4. Developed certified reference material on bituminous coal.

NameDesignationEmail & phonePhoto
Head of the Research Group
Dr. Manish Kumar

Sr. Principal Scientist & HORG E-mail : manish[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, manishcfri[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-326-2230711(R), 09431319972(M)
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Section 1: Carbonization
Mr. G. K. Bayen Principal Scientist & HOS E-mail : gkbayen[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, gkbayen[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-9709719400 / 09471191811 (M)
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Dr. Monalisa Gangopadhyay

Sr. Scientist E-mail : monalisa[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, monalisa[dot]cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 91 9403268294 (M)
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Mr. Rajiv Ranjan

Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : rajivranjan[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, rrcimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-9431512906 (M)
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Mr. Tarun Pramanik Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : tarun_642[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +91-9431746738 (M)
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Mr. U. S. Ganguly Lab. Assistant E-mail : usganguly[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
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Mr. Soma Oran Lab. Assistant E-mail : somaoran[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
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Mr. Bhagwan Yadav Gr.D (NT) E-mail : byadav[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
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Section 2: Environment Emissions & CRM
Dr. R. Ebhin Masto

Principal Scientist & HOS E-mail : ebhinmasto[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, mastocfri[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 91-326-2388339(O), 2382908(R) , 09431542415 (M)
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Dr. Hridesh Agarwalla Scientist E-mail : hagarwalla[at]cimfr][dot]res[dot]in, hridesh[dot]agrwl[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91 70088 74113
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Mr. Sanjay Kumar Thakur Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : sanjaykthakur[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, skthakurcfri[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in, skthakurcfri[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : +91 98351 11585, 94307 78783 (M)
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Dr. Vikram Singh

Scientist E-mail : vikramsingh[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, vikku[dot]010[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9452369265 (M)
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Mr. R. N. Senapati Sr. Technical Officer (1) E-mail : rsenapati[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, rnsenapati_1976[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : +91-9939698433(M)
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Mr. Siddharth Bari Technical Assistant E-mail : siddharthbari[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, sbfindsid[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91 8409034458
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Mr. K. P. Naik Lab. Assistant E-mail : kparsunath[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : 9973252291 (M)
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15 Results
Sl. No.A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos
Major Facilities

Environment, Emission and CRMSection

GCMS for determination of PAHs and organic pollutants in the environment

Environment, Emission and CRMSection

ICP-OES (Analysis of major and minor elements in coal, fly ash, soil and water)

TOCAnalyzer (for determination of organic carbon and microbial biomass C)

CHNS analyser (for ultimate analysis of coal and biomass)

CHNS analyser (for ultimate analysis of coal and biomass)

FTIR for determination of functional groups

FTIR for determination of functional groups

Lumex RA915 mercury analyser equipped with Pyro-915 Pyrolysis Attachment

Lumex RA915 mercury analyser equipped with Pyro-915 Pyrolysis Attachment

Direct Mercury Analyser (DMA-80) for Hg analysis

Direct Mercury Analyser (DMA-80) for Hg analysis

Millipore water purification system for providing ultra-pure water for laboratory

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer for heavy metal analysis

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer for heavy metal analysis

Automatic Bomb calorimeter for determination of calorific valuesof fuels

Automatic Bomb calorimeter for determination of calorific valuesof fuels

Proximate analyzer for analysis of ash and volatile matter

Proximate analyzer for analysis of ash and volatile matter

Flue gas analyser for analysis of Sox, NOx, CO, CO2, CxHy

Flue gas analyser for analysis of Sox, NOx, CO, CO2, CxHy

UV Vis-spectrophotometer for soil enzyme assay

UV Vis-spectrophotometer for soil enzyme assay

Microwave ashing system for sample preparation

Microwave ashing system for sample preparation

Microwave Digestion System for sample digestion

Microwave Digestion System for sample digestion

Filter press for dewatering of ash slurry

Filter press for dewatering of ash slurry


Coal Carbonisation Section

CRI/CSR apparatusis an important property of metallurgical coke. The apparatus is used for determination of reactivity of hard coke sample with CO2 at 1100°C and strength of remaining coke after reaction. The test requires -22/+19 mm size stable round shape coke particles test simple, hence +2 inch size coke is required for this test. Coke samples with high volatile matter can damage the apparatus produce erroneous result, therefore VM of the coke must be <5 percent.

Coal Carbonisation Section

Micum apparatusis used for determination of cold strength of coke against abrasion and impact force. Physical strength of coke and coal/coke briquettes are determined in this test. 200kg of stable lump sample is required for testing using standard test method.

Coal Carbonisation Section

6 kg capacity coking furnace - Three 6 kg capacity high temperature coking furnaces in a bench are used to study coke making potency of coke sample. The coking furnace could be operated up to 1100°C temperature. Coke samples produced in this apparatus are studied for their quality parameters like ash, moisture, VM, fixed carbon and CRI/CSR.

Coal Carbonisation Section

50 kg capacity coking furnaceis an electrically heated non-recovery type coking furnace. The furnace is used to study high temperature carbonization of coal and coal blends in pilot scale level. Corresponding coke samples produced in this apparatus might be used for coke quality parameters like ash, moisture, VM, fixed carbon, half Micum test and CRI/CSR

Coal Carbonisation Section

250 kg capacity coking furnaceis an electrically heated, non-recovery type, high temperature coking furnace. Formulation on coal blend for commercial coke production need pilot scale coking study followed by ascertaining the coke properties like ash, moisture, VM, fixed carbon, full Micum test and CRI/CSR using standard testing methods which require larger quantity of coke. Therefore, this apparatus is very helpful for blend formulation study for commercial coke production.

Coal Carbonisation Section

Centrifugal Pelletizerapparatus helps to study agglomeration/pelletisation of micro-fines (particle size<1mm) from coke/coal/biomass and other material with and without binder. R&D study on centrifugal pelletisation gives important information for vale addition of micro-fines from various ores and minerals and its industrial application.

Coal Carbonisation Section

Coal Coke Briquetting pilot plantis a 100 TPD capacity pilot plant for conducting study on value addition of coal and coke fine for different end use. The pilot plant consists of a briquetting machine and briquette curing furnace. In the briquetting machine coal and coke briquettes are produced at 200 - 230 kgf/cm2 pressure and the briquettes are cured at different temperature level for its end use.

Coal Carbonisation Section

Pilot Coke oven (non-recovery type) - The pilot scale coke oven battery consists of three coke ovens, each having coal charge capacity 170 to 250 kg of coal depending upon bulk density of the charging coal samples. The coke ovens are suitable for both high temperature and low temperature carbonization study of coal and coal blends. For high temperature carbonization stamp charging and top charging studies are carried out in this pilot coke oven.

Coal Carbonisation Section

Stamp charging machine - Capacity of the stamping machine is 200 to 250 of coking coal depending upon bulk density of stamped coal cake. The stamp charging machine is used for study the effect of compaction of coal on coke quality. The pilot scale stamping machine is suitable for exerting variable stamping force, maximum up to 100 ton. The stamping machine associated with the pilot coke ovens provide valuable information regarding blending of inferior quality coal with good coking coal in coke making when stamp charging technique is used.

Coal Carbonisation Section

Pilot Coke oven (by-product type) - The pilot scale coke oven battery consists of six coke ovens, each having coal charge capacity 1000 kg of coking coal. The coke ovens are suitable both high temperature carbonization study on coal and coal blends. The pilot coke oven battery has stamp charging facility and waste heat recovery facility by producing steam using waste flue gases.

Sl.No. Projects Sponsors
Coal Carbonisation Section
1 Studies on preparation of alternative fuel for metallurgical industries using available Indian carbonaceous materials and their blends by pre heating and stamp charging of coal mixture In house
2 Experimental study for the production of needle coke from coal tar/pet coke and preparation of graphite electrode In house
3 Scientific study on quality monitoring of iron ore at despatch point at Donimalai complex iron ore mines of NMDC National Mineral Development Corporation
4 Design and development of a sole heated improved 4500 TPM capacity soft-coke oven for commercial soft coke production Hariom Industries, Bihar
5 Study on the preparation of formed coke from low rank coal for metallurgical use Pride CokePrivate Limited, Assam
6 Studies on preparation of improved coke using high swelling coal, bio-char and stamp charging technique. Pride Coke Private Limited, Assam
7 Study on Preparation of Reactive Coke from Lignite for Ferro-Alloy Production. Snam Alloys Private Limited, Bangalore
Environment, Emission and CRM Division
8 Mission mode project on Lithium content in coal and biomass ash and its potential for extraction. CSIR
9 Amelioration and bioenergy plantation on mine spoil using composite biochar Fertilizer Department of Science and Technology
10 Mission mode programme on commercial deployment of salt and potash technologies to augment national capability, CSIR mission project Council of Scientific and Industrial CSIR
11 National Inventory development of Mercury in Emission sector in India United Nations Environment Programme
12 Development of biomass ash/ biochar based slow release potassium fertilizer(SRKF) CSIR
13 Inventory of poly aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions from thermal power plants of India. CSIR
14 Inventory of mercury emissions and releases from NTPC thermal power plants. National Thermal Power Corporation Limited


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