Our Mandate

To be a focused R&D laboratory of international repute having strong visibility to industry and society in Mine Environmental Safety Engineering towards fulfilling national needs.

About us

The group works in three specialised areas of Mine Fire, Ventilation, Miner’s Safety and Health consisting of two sections viz., Mine Fire, Ventilation, Miner’s Safety and Health and Numerical Simulations. It is an important activity of the institute since its inception and is equipped with all state-of-the-art facilities for R&D and support services. This research group has contributed in almost all the mines in India with 15 numbers ofGovernment sponsored R&D projects and about1000 industry sponsored projects of problem-solving nature besides large numbertesting, calibration and quality evaluation services for various types of ventilation, safety and rescue equipments used in the industry. The solutions provided have enabled the industry to achieve better results with enhanced safety. 

Our Expertise
  1. Ventilation planning and design of existing and virgin mines using network simulation tools including CFD modelling.
  2. Design of artificial cooling system for deep underground mines.
  3. Study onDiesel Particulate Matter (DPM) and Respirable Dust for healthier workplace environment.
  4. Specialised ventilation techniques including air circulation in tunnels, ventilation of confined spaces andventilation on demand.
  5. Study of dynamic behaviour of open and concealed fire for its assessment and control.
  6. Early detection and control of underground coal mine fire.
  7. Delineation of abandoned coal mine fire.
  8. Effective management of opencast, dump fires,coal stack fires and belt conveyor fire.
  9. Detection and delineation of coal fire by remote sensing technique
  10. Respirable air borne dust survey and determination of free silica content in air borne dust samples.
  11. Fire safety design of tunnel
  12. Various type of testing and calibration services including mine air sample analysis, calibration of anemometer, manometer,semi-rigid and flexible ventilation duct, brattice cloth, gas detectors and PPEs (safety lamps, helmet, safety shoes, cap lamps etc) and various type of life saving safety and rescue equipments (SCSR and Breathing apparatus etc)

Our Accomplishment
A number of innovative technologies have been successfully developed and applied in the mining industry. These are as follows:
  1. Development of high pressure and high stability nitrogen foam technology to control fire in underground mines.
  2. Development of water mist technology to control open fire.
  3. Development of dynamic balancing of pressure technique to control underground coal mine fire.
  4. Development of multizonal ventilation system for improvement in ventilation system of extensive underground coal mines.
  5. Introduction of chamber method of ventilation to reduce air leakage into longwall panels.
  6. Development fire preventive coating/sealant.
  7. Development of fire fighting chemical.
  8. Development of dust suppressant technology for control of dust in opencast mining operations.
  9. Development of methodology for determination free silica from respirable air borne dust as well as coal/OB samples.

NameDesignationEmail & phonePhoto
Head of the Research Group
Dr. Jai Krishna Pandey

Chief Scientist & HORG E-mail : jkpandey[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, jaikrishnapandey[at]gmail[dot[com
Phone : 0326-2396053, Ext. 4341 (O), 9431727134 (M)
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Section: 1 Mine Fire Ventilation Miners Safety and Health
Dr. Santosh Kumar Ray

Chief Scientist & HOS E-mail : santoshray[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, santoshkray[at]yahoo[dot]com, santoshray8[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9431746573 (M)
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Dr. Niroj Kumar Mohalik Principal Scientist E-mail : niroj.mohalik[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, niroj[dot]mohalik[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9471192423 (M)
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Mr. Ajay Khalkho Principal Scientist E-mail : khalkhoajay[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, khalkhoajay[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 9471113163 (M)
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Mr. Debashish Mishra Sr. Scientist E-mail : dmishra[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, debashish_cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8986760288, 7978628931 (M)
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Mr. Ruben Murmu Sr. Tech. Officer (3) Phone : 4345(O) Service image
Dr. Jitendra Pandey Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : jitendra[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, jitu_cmri[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 9431315624 (M)
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Ms. Kumari Anjali

Technical Officer E-mail : anjali[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : 8340656207 (M)
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Mr. Aditya Kumar

Technical Assistant E-mail : aditya[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, adityasnd64[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 6201851007 (M)
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Section: 2 Numerical Simulation
Mr. Ajay Khalkho Principal Scientist E-mail : khalkhoajay[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, khalkhoajay[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 9471113163 (M)
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Mr. Debashish Mishra Scientist & HOS E-mail : dmishra[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, debashish_cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8986760288, 7978628931 (M)
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Dr. Jitendra Pandey Sr. Technical Officer (1) E-mail : jitendra[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, jitu_cmri[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 9431315624 (M)
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Mr. Aditya Kumar Technical Assistant E-mail : aditya[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, adityasnd64[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 6201851007 (M)
Service image
13 Results
Sl. No.A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos
Major Facilities

Mine Fire Model Gallery with Fan Arrangement

Mine Fire Model Gallery with Fan Arrangement

Computer Simulation of Ventilation Circuit of the Mine

Mine Fire Model Gallery with Fan Arrangement

Numerical Simulation of the Ventilation Network of Underground Mines using VENTSIM

Numerical Simulation of the Ventilation Network of Underground Mines using VENTSIM

Particle Size Distribution Analyser for Studying the Size and Range of Particles of Powder Sample

Particle Size Distribution Analyser for Studying the Size and Range of Particles of Powder Sample

Differential Scanning Calorimeter for Studying the Combustion Behaviour of Coal

Differential Scanning Calorimeter for Studying the Combustion Behaviour of Coal 

Bomb Calorimeter for Determining Gross Calorific Value of Coal

Bomb Calorimeter for Determining Gross Calorific Value of Coal

Explosion Chamber for Studying the Explosibility Behaviour of Coal Dust

Explosion Chamber for Studying the Explosibility Behaviour of Coal Dust 

Min Ignition Energy (MIE) Apparatus for Determining Minimum Ignition Energy of Coal Dust

Min Ignition Energy (MIE) Apparatus for Determining Minimum Ignition Energy of Coal Dust

Breathing Simulator: Used for Lab Performance of SCSR and other Breathing Apparatus.

Breathing Simulator: Used for Lab Performance of SCSR and other Breathing Apparatus.

FT-IR Spectroscopy forDeterminingFree Silica Content of Coal and Air Borne Respirable Dust

FT-IR Spectroscopy forDeterminingFree Silica Content of Coal and Air Borne Respirable Dust 

Tensile Test Set Upfor Testing of Conveyor Belts, Brattice Cloth, Ventilation Ducts.

Tensile Test Set Upfor Testing of Conveyor Belts, Brattice Cloth, Ventilation Ducts.

Impact Test Machine for testing of Safety Shoes and Gumboots

Impact Test Machine for testing of Safety Shoes and Gumboots

Abrasion Test Machine for Abrasion Testing of Conveyor Belts

Abrasion Test Machine for Abrasion Testing of Conveyor Belts

Air Permeability Testing Setup for Determining the Resistance of Fabrics (woven, knitted  and non-woven textile materials) to Air Flow

Air Permeability Testing Setup for Determining the Resistance of Fabrics (woven, knitted  and non-woven textile materials) to Air Flow

Wind Tunnel forCalibration of Anemometer/Velometer

Wind Tunnel forCalibration of Anemometer/Velometer

Sl.No. Project Sponsor
1 Development of guideline for prevention & mitigation of explosion hazard by risk assessment and determination of explosibility of Indian coal incorporating riskbased mine emergency evacuation and re-entry protocol. Coal India Limited R&D Board
2 Studies on Determination of Free Silica (α-Quartz) Content in Respirable Air Borne Dust in Coal Mines and Preparation of Data Bank of Free Silica and other Minerals present in Dust as well as in Coal. Coal India Limited R&D Board
3 To Find a Methodology of Safe Liquidation of Thick Seam of Raniganj Coalfields: Design & Development & Show-Casing Demonstrative Trials at Khottadih Colliery, ECL Coal India Limited R&D Board
4 Clean coal technology [TapCoal] WP-7 Task Network Project: Development of chemical inhibitor for control and combating fire in surface coal mines. (CSC0102) CSIR network project
5 Scientific investigation on resuming exploratory drift work of Amari II Powerhouse at Martshala, Samdrup, Jongkhar, Bhutan and Advice thereof Govt. of Bhutan
6 Scientific study for advice for control of spontaneous heating at sectionalized area in King Seam at PVK No. 5 Incline, Kothagudem Area, SCCL. Singareni Collieries Company Limited
7 Scientific investigation and advice for improvement in ventilation of Mochia and Balaria Mines of Zawar Group of Mines of HZL. Hindustan Zinc Limited, Vedanta
8 Scientific study and advice to control fire in W1 panel and early resumption of production from Mohan Colliery, Kanhan Area, WCL Western Coalfields Limited
9 Scientific study for monitoring of environment and gas in Longwall panel No. 2 of No. 1 seam at Adriyala Longwall Project of SCCL and advice thereof. Singareni Collieries Company Limited
10 Advice for control of heating/fire in RVIII seam and early resumption of production at Shyamsundarpur Colliery, Bankola Area, ECL Eastern Coalfields Limited
11 Assessment of status of fire in and around railways premises (Main JC Line) due to opencast working of Kankanee Patch ‘B’, Sijua Area, BCCL Bharat Coking Coal Limited
12 Analysis of root cause of incidence of fire in coal conveyor at Talwandi Sabo Power Limited, Punjab Talwandi Sabo, Vedanta
13 Scientific study of prevention and control of spontaneous combustion in coal heap at Talwandi Sabo Power Limited (TSPL 3x660 MW), Punjab and advice thereof. Talwandi Sabo, Vedanta
14 Advice for installation of booster fan for improvement in workplace environment at Sijua colliery, M/s Tata Steel. Ltd Tata Steel
15 Airborne respirable dust survey at Hutti, Uti, Heerabuddini Gold Mines of Hutti Gold Mines Co. Ltd. Hutti Gold Mines Co.
16 Scientific investigation to assess the status of fire inside the sealed of mine no-3 of Orient Area, MCL and advice for control measures. Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
17 Control and Prevention of fire in Gare Palama, IV/ 2 & 3 opencast mine of Raigarh Area, SECL. South Eastern Coalfields Limited
18 Advice on determining the state and extent of the fire, its rate of progress at sarubera (E) colliery, Kuju Area, CCL, Central Coalfields Limited
19 Advice for control and prevention of fire in slided material at the bottom of deep mining zone along the highwall (around 700m) at Rajmahal OCP, ECL, Eastern Coalfields Limited
20 Advice of suitable methodology for combating fire and safe extraction of coal pillars (catching on exposure) by open cast method at Shankarpur colliery, ECL, Jambad OCP, ECL. Eastern Coalfields Limited

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