Central Instrumentation Facility
Sl. No. Name of Instrument Purpose of Instrument Contact person
1 Condition Monitoring Instrument The instrument is for monitoring health of running equipment and identifying the probable parts in deteriorating stage Sri G. Suresh,
Technical Officer,
Mine Planning and Economics, Subsidence and Surveying Division,
Phone: +91-8099585820 (M)
Email: gsuresh[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
2 GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) The instrument is a satellite based location monitoring instrument used for surveying and mapping work for mines Sri Anand Shyamji Sharma,
Technical Officer,
Mine Planning and Economics, Subsidence and Surveying Division,
Phone: +91-9834803109 (M)
Email: anandsharma[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
3 High Performance Computing (HPC) System The facility is for Numerical analysis of Geomining problems using parallel numerical programmes with 32 nodes, 16 cores/node Processors, Terra FLOPS computing speed, and 200 TB Storage Capacity The system equipped to provide server facility for scientific use software packages such as INTEL-C COMPILER, C, C++, FORTRAN, MATLAB, ANSYS, PYTHON, LINUX, ALTAIR PBS SCHEDULER, etc. Sri Abhishek Chowdhury
Technical Officer,
Super Computing Centre Division,
Phone: +91-9946608897 (M)
Email: abhishek[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
4 ICP-MS Elemental analysis in water, sediments and other geological and environmental samples at very low level concentration (ppb/ppt). Dr. Abhay Kumar Singh,
Sr. Principal Scientist,
Natural Resources and Environment
Management Division,
Phone: +91-9835324263 (M)
Email:abhaysingh[at]cimfr[dot]res[,dot]in, singhak[dot]cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
5 AAS Elemental analysis in water, sediments and other geological and environmental samples Dr. Abhay Kumar Singh,
Sr. Principal Scientist,
Natural Resources and Environment
Management Division,
Phone: +91-9835324263 (M)
Email:abhaysingh[at]cimfr[dot]res[, dot]insinghak[dot]cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
6 Ion Chromatograph Analysis of anions (F, Cl, Br, PO4, NO3 and SO4 in water sample Dr. Abhay Kumar Singh,
Sr. Principal Scientist,
Natural Resources and Environment
Management Division,
Phone: +91-9835324263 (M)
Email:abhaysingh[at]cimfr[dot]res[, dot]insinghak[dot]cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
7 Microwave Digestion System Digestion of rock, soil and sediment samples for chemical analysis Dr. Abhay Kumar Singh,
Sr. Principal Scientist,
Natural Resources and Environment
Management Division,
Phone: +91-9835324263 (M)
Email:abhaysingh[at]cimfr[dot]res[, dot]insinghak[dot]cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
8 GC-MS-MS Analysis of organic contaminants, PAH and pesticides in environmental samples Dr. Gautam Chandra Mondal,
Principal Scientist,
Natural Resources and Environment Management Division,
Phone: +91-9835383060 (M)
Email:gcmondal[at]cimfr[dot]res[, dot]ingc_mandal[at]yahoo[dot]com
9 Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) Chemical composition analysis of Fe base, Cu base and Al base alloy Dr. Bhagirath Ahirwal,
Sr. Principal Scientist,
Rock and Material Characterization Division,
Phone: +91-9431158946 (M)
Email: ahirwal[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
10 DM 4500P Microscope Petrographic Study of Coal/Coke/Char Dr. Debdutta Mohanty
Principal Scientist, Coal Bed Non-Conventional Gases Division,
Phone: +91 9471304757 (M)
Email: ddmohanty[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, drdmohanty[at]ymail[dot]com
11 Elementarvario Macro Cube Elemental Analyser Elemental analysis of Coal/Coke/Char Dr. Debdutta Mohanty
Principal Scientist, Coal Bed Non-Conventional Gases Division,
Phone: +91 9471304757 (M)
Email: dddmohanty[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, rdmohanty[at]ymail[dot]com
12 FE-SEM with EDS Morphological Characterization of materials and elemental analysis Dr. BodhisatwaHazra
Rock Mechanics Division,
Phone: +91-8900718631 (M)
Email:b[dot]hazra[at]cimfr[dot]res[, dot]inbodhisatwa[dot]hazra[at]gmail.com
13 STA-8000 with online and off line FT-IR and GC-MS Hyphaneted system in-situ Analysis of Evolved Gas of materials Dr. BodhisatwaHazra
Rock Mechanics Division,
Phone: +91-8900718631 (M)
Email:b[dot]hazra[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, bodhisatwa[dot]hazra[at]gmail.com
14 High Resolution 3D X-ray Microscopy and computed Tomography Laboratory Revealing detailed 3D imaging for microstructure, characterization of coal, shale, rock and any material, estimating the volume of all internal structures, volume-based inspection of essential and accessory components of material Dr. V. A. Mendhe,
Sr. Principal Scientist
Non-Conventional Gases Division,
Phone: 8002812047 (M)
Email: vamendhe[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
15 FTIR Functional groups of coal, shale and rocks, coal mines dust, highway dust, civil work dust and urban dust analysis Dr. J. K. Pandey
Chief Scientist,
Mine Fire, Ventilation and Miner's Health Division,
Phone: 9431727134 (M)
Email:jkpandey[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, jaikrishnapandey[at]gmail[dot]com
16 Coal, Shale and Rock Petrography Maceral of coal and shale and vitrinite reflectance, mineralogical constituents of shale and rocks Dr. V. A. Mendhe,
Sr. Principal Scientist
Non-Conventional Gases Division,
Phone: 8002812047 (M)
Email: vamendhe[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Dr. Debdutta Mohanty
Principal Scientist, Coal Bed Non-Conventional Gases Division,
Mobile: +91 9471304757 (M)
Email: ddmohanty[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
17 Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Geochemical analysis of coal and shale for source rock potential evaluation for hydrocarbons Dr. Bodhisatwa Hazra
Rock Mechanics Division,
Phone: +91-8900718631 (M)
Email: b[dot]hazra[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, bodhisatwa[dot]hazra[at]gmail.com
18 CHNS and TOC Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, oxygen and total organic content of coal, shale, biomass and rocks Dr. V. A. Mendhe,
Sr. Principal Scientist
Non-Conventional Gases Division,
Phone: 8002812047 (M)
Email: vamendhe[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Dr. Debdutta Mohanty
Principal Scientist, Coal Bed Non-Conventional Gases,
Phone: +91 9471304757 (M)
Email: ddmohanty[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
19 BET Surface Area and Particle Size Analysis Surface area, pore size, pore volume, pore structure, fractal analysis of coal, shale and rock. Particle size analysis of mine dust, flyash, coal dust and any material Dr. V. A. Mendhe,
Sr. Principal Scientist
Non-Conventional Gases Division,
Phone: 8002812047 (M)
Email: vamendhe[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Dr. Prashant,
Principal Scientist,
Mine Back Filling Division
Phone: 9431377071 (M),
Email: prashant[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
20 X-Ray diffractometer The clay and minerals in coal, shale and rock by comparing the reference pattern number from the ICDD international database, mineral composition, associated phases

Dr. J. K. Pandey
Chief Scientist,
Mine Fire, Ventilation and Miner's Health Division,
Phone: 9431727134 (M)
Email: jkpandey[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, jaikrishnapandey[at]gmail[dot]com


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