Our Mandate

To conduct research and development in the field of backfill mining,develop and improve mine backfilling practices, promote safe and economic extraction of coal and minerals.

About us

Thisresearch group works mainly in the area of paste backfilling for both underground coal and metalliferous mines, hydraulic stowing for coal mine and coal ash utilisation in opencast backfilling. The group has its strong presence since the inception of the Institute (1956) more than 74 years ago. It has to its credit 10 numbers of research projects funded by various Ministries of Government of India and more than 600 industry sponsored projects of challenging in nature. This research group has received National Award for fly ash utilisation for backfilling in underground coal mines awarded jointly by Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Environment and Forest and Ministry of Power.

Our Expertise
A. Underground metal mine backfilling
  1. Development of paste fill for mine back filling.
  2. Binder replacement in paste backfilling.
  3. High concentration filling.
  4. Cemented rock filling (CRF).
  5. Cemented aggregate filling (CAF).
  6. Backfill plant, pipeline reticulation and backfill barricade design.
  7. Backfill instrumentation and monitoring.
  8. Backfill bulkhead design.
  9. Stope extraction methodology with backfilling.
B. Underground coal mine backfilling
  1. Use of coal ash, overburden (OB), slag and sand for stowing.
  2. Paste backfilling for underground coal mines.
  3. Stowing system design including plant and pipeline reticulation.
  4. Extraction methods with backfilling.
  5. Stabilisation of old and abandoned underground workings.
  6. Instrumentation and monitoring of stowing mine panels.
  7. Blind backfilling and ground stabilisation.
  8. Underground water dam design.
  9. Extraction of locked up coal in standing pillars.
C. Opencast backfilling using coal ash and OB

Our Accomplishment
  1. Technology for Ash filling in Opencast mines.
  2. Technology for Paste backfilling in underground metal mines.
  3. Blind backfilling and stabilisation of old-abandoned mine workings.
  4. Technology for Paste backfilling in underground coal mines.
  5. Technology for coal ash stowing in underground coal mines.
  6. Technology of processed overburden (POB) use for underground coal mine stowing.
  7. Extraction of locked up coal in pillars by artificial pillar technology.

NameDesignationEmail & phonePhoto
Section 1: Underground Metal Mine & Opencast Back Filling
Mr. Prashant Sr. Principal Scientist & HOS E-mail : prashant[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in ; prashantcmri[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : +91-326-296004/5, Extn: 4316 (O), 09431377071 (M)
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Section 2: Underground Coal Mine Back Filling
Mr. Santosh Kumar Behera

Sr. Scientist & HOS E-mail : skb[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, skbcimfr[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 0326-296004/5 (O), 8986760221 (M)
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Mr. Surajit Dey Sr. Technical Officer (1) E-mail : surajitdey[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, surajitcmri[at]gmail[dot]com, surajitcmri[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : +91-9431160729
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3 Results
Sl. No.A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos
Major Facilities

(PLAXIS 3D software for numerical modeling of various geotechnical challenges encountered in mining and allied activities)

(Modular Compact Rheometer used for investigating rheological parameters of paste and high concentration backfill)

Particle size analyser (Malvern MASTERSIZER – 3000) used for investigating the particle size distribution of various waste materials used for backfilling.

(Backfill lab facilities: Paste mixer, pressure gauge, backfill column and physical model, percolation experiment setup, vicat needle apparatus, test sieves, slump test)

Sl. No Projects Sponsor

Development of paste fill for mine backfilling at Sindesar Khurd (SK) Mines,Hindustan Zinc Limited(HZL)

Hindustan Zinc Limited


Advice on Barricade design and high density hydraulic fill at Mochia and Paste fill at Zawarmala mines, HZL,

Hindustan Zinc Limited


Determination of strength characteristics and development of material for backfilling at Rampura Agucha Mine, HZL

Hindustan Zinc Limited


High density hydraulic filling using mill tailings to fill void of stoping area at Mochia and Balaria underground mine, HZL

Hindustan Zinc Limited


Advice on design of FRS Barricade for hydraulic filled stopes of Rajpura Dariba mines, HZL

Hindustan Zinc Limited


Advice on commissioning of backfilling plant and design of backfill system for stope block 5 at Mahagiri mines, Indian Metal and Ferro Alloys Limited (IMFA)

Indian Metal and Ferro Alloys Limited


Instrumentation scheme and monitoring of backfilling stopes blocks of Mahagiri mines, IMFA

Indian Metal and Ferro Alloys Limited


Mine backfill field and laboratory investigation for development of an underground mine at south kaliapani chromite mine, Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC)

Odisha Mining Corporation


Use of bottom ash for depillaring with stowing at Gare Palema IV/4 and IV/5 mine of Hindalco Industries Limited



Use of coal ash from Korba Super Thermal Power Station, NTPC for underground stowing at Surakachar mine, South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL),

NTPC Korba


Use of pond ash from Ramagundam Super Thermal power Station, NTPC for underground stowing

NTPC Ramagundam


Scientific study for improving the stowing efficiency of Bheletand Colliery, TATA Steel

TATA Steel


Scientific study on suitability of crushed overburden (OB) as stowing material for underground mines, HINDALCO



Advice on use of coal ash from DCPP with overburden at Gare Palema IV/1 opencast mine, Tamnar- Phase IV(3)

Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL)


Advice on Ash filling in Manikpur Opencast Mines using ash from LANCO Amarkantak Power Limited Korba



Advice on fly ash filling in Gare Palema Sector III opencast coal mine using ash from Chhattisgarh State Power Generation Company Limited (CSPGCL)

Chhattisgarh State Power Generation Company Limited


Design of Blind backfilling system for the unapproachable areas at Talcher coalfields, Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL)-and advice thereof,

Mahanadi Coalfields Limited


Advice on stability of the construction site for DAV school at Lingaraj Area, MCL

Mahanadi Coalfields Limited


Scientific study of stowing with 100% Bottom ash at Jitpur colliery, Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)

Steel Authority of India Limited


Advice on use of bottom ash as a stowing material for underground mines of chasnala, SAIL

Steel Authority of India Limited

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