Our Mandate

To provide basic R&D and industry support in the area of coal combustion, clean coaltechnologies, coal derived chemicals, clean fuel solution andbio-processes.

About us
Combustion research group deals with basic and applied research on coal combustion, clean coal technologies and support coalbased power generation industries for resolving problems. This group also deals with preparation of GHG emission inventory, conversion of coal-derived chemicals and provides clean fuel solution and bio-processes for coal industry and other energy sectors.Combustion group consists of three different sections namely -
i) Combustion Science and Technology 
ii) Coal to Chemicals 
iii) Renewable Energy &Bio Technology

Our Expertise
i) Combustion Science and TechnologySection
  1. National Facility for combustion studies of coal from lab scale to bench scale using -

             a. Thermo analytical facility for basic studies (TGA-DSC) 

             b. Drop Tube Furnace (DTF)

             c. Fuel Evaluation Test Facility (FETF)

  1. Coal water slurry preparation and combustion study
  2. Exploring utilization of non coking coals for Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI) in blast furnace
  3. Development of Equivalency Chart between Useful Heat Value (UHV) and Gross Calorific Value (GCV)
  4. Pilot study for migration from UHV to GCV based gradation system
  5. Setting up modalities for normative requirement of coal for different Industries towards framing policy decisions for judicious allocation of different grades of coal
  6. Plant level GHG emission estimates for thermal power plant and integrated steel plant and preparation of National GHG inventory for energy and manufacturing industries.
  7. Pilot plant for fluidized bed combustion studies.
  8. Development of Fly ash brick technology
  9. Inventory preparation for trace metal and mercury emissions from coal fired power plants
  10. Assessment of utilization potential of Spent Pot Lining (SPL) of smelter as a co-fuel at captive power unit
  11. Oxy-fuel combustion studies
  12. Co-combustion studies of coal and biomass blends
  13. Studies on utilization of non coking and coking coal rejects
  14. Studies on judicious selection of blend combination and blend proportion for use of coal blends in power plants
ii) Coal to ChemicalsSection
  1. Organic synthesis and catalyst development.
  2. Synthesis of value-added products like nicotinamide from coal tar derivative like cyano-pyridine, picoline. 
iii) Renewable Energy &BioTechnologySection
  1. CO2 capture via microbial route.
  2. Bio-pesticide from Flyash and biomass ash.
  3. Bio-methane for rural energy demand.
  4. Food, Fertilizer and Fabrics from algae. 
  5. Bio-processing of coal industrial effluent.
  6. Study of CO2 signaling in microalgae.
  7. Biodiversity study of extremophiles


Our Accomplishment
i) Combustion Science and TechnologySection
  1. Executed projects on
a) Combustion of coals and blends sponsored by NTPC, Reliance etc.
b) Utilization of non cokingcoals as PCI in blast furnace – Executed for Tata steel
c) Addressing utilization potential of SPL in captive power unit of NALCO
d) Assessment of combustion performance of Indonesian coals (sponsor Gondwana Geo Tech)
  1. Contribution towards policy decision 
a) Development of GCV- UHV Equivalency Chart and pilot study for migration from UHV to GCV based gradation system helped to frame policy decisions towards change of commercial grading system of non-coking coals. Change of grading system has already been implemented by Ministry of Coal, GOI.
b) Setting up modalities for normative requirement of coal was executed for framing policy decisions in respect of judicious allocation of different grades of coal to different industries.
  1. Contribution towards projects of International importance
a) Estimation of Green House Gas (GHG) for Energy and Industries for communication of Govt. of India to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC):UNDP-GEF funded activities through Ministry: Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change.
b) Estimation of mercury emissions from coal fired power plants and preparation of inventory on mercury emission (UNEP funded project)

ii) Renewable Energy &BioTechnologySection

  1. Research work on CO2 capture through microalgae offers a costeffective option towards reducing CO2 emission from coal combustion. Utilizing CO2 gas from petrochemical complex of GAIL-India Ltd through microalgae, is a key tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas industries, coal-fired power plants and other carbon intensive industrial processes. It is one of the novel processes to grow more algae in less space at a much lower cost, using thermal power plant CO2 and coal industrial effluent.
  2. Biogasification of coal washery effluent and biomass is very important, since biogasification of coal could enhance the economic viability of many processes utilizing methane as a fuel source or as a raw material. Biogasification of coal provides an alternate source of energy in rural India.
  3. Developed process on “Synthesis of Silica-Protease/chitinase-HAsnano encapsulated pesticides” for the management of pest/pathogen will lead to environmental friendly alternatives to chemical pesticides with non toxic nature to mammals and other organisms. 
  4. Innovative process developed for treatment of coal based industrial effluent (CBE) using aquatic phototrophs. The outcome of the project will serve an eco-friendly way to treat the coal based industrial effluent and lead to clean Damodarand full fill the National Mission Clean Ganga. 
  5. Developed the novel process for making “Arts, Crafts and Jewellery using coal”. The developed process will help in skill development and economical upliftment of coal mine based women.

NameDesignationEmail & phonePhoto
Head of the Research Group
Dr. Ashis Mukherjee

Chief Scientist & HORG E-mail : amukherjee[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, drashismuk[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : +91-9430136349 (M)
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Section 1: Combustion Science and Technology
Dr. Ashok K. Singh Chief Scientist E-mail : singhak[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, singh_ak2002[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : +91-326-2388361, 320 (O), 09431317806 (M)
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Dr. Pinaki Sarkar

Chief Scientist E-mail : psarkar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, pscfri[at]rediffmail[dot]com,
Phone : +91-326-2388286 (O), 09431512885 (M)
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Dr. Manish Kumar

Sr. Principal Scientist E-mail : manish[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, manishcfri[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-326-2230711 (R), 09431319972 (M)
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Dr. Santi Gopal Sahu

Sr. Principal Scientist & HOS E-mail : sgsahu[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, santi_cfri[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : +91-326-2388268/269 (O), 09471191156 (M)
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Mr. Ashis Kumar Adak

Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : akadak[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, akadak_05@[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-326-2388268/269 (O), 09431513243 (M)
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Section 2: Coal to Chemicals
Dr. (Mrs.) Monalisa Gangopadhyay Scientist E-mail : monalisa[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, monalisa[dot]cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91 9403268294
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Dr. Hridesh Agarwalla Scientist & HOS E-mail : hagarwalla[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, hridesh[dot]agrwl[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91 70088 74113
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Dr. Gajanand Sahu Sr. Technical Officer (1) E-mail : gajanansahu[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, gajanansahu[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-326-2388389 (O), 09931106448 (M)
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Mr. R. N. Senapati Sr. Technical Officer (1) E-mail : rsenapati[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, rnsenapati_1976[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : +91-9939698433(M)
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Mr. Ashis Kumar Adak Sr. Technical Officer (1) E-mail : akadak[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, akadak_05@[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-326-2388268/269(O) , 09431513243(M)
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Section 3: Renewable Energy & Bio Technology
Dr. (Mrs.) V. Anguselvi Sr. Principal Scientist & HOS E-mail : vaselvi[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, vaselvi[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 91-326-2388264(O), 91-326-2382908(R), +91 9470110242 (M)
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Mrs. Mousumi Mallick Sr. Scientist E-mail : mousumi[dot]mallick[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, mousumi[dot]mallick_cimfr[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 9204551490 (M)
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Mr. Vikram Kumar Rajak Technical Officer E-mail : vikramrajak[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, vikramdhn[at]yahoo[dot]in
Phone : +91 90066 12380 (M), 0326-2388229 (O)
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Mr. Siddharth Bari

Technical Assistant E-mail : siddharthbari[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, sbfindsid[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91 8409034458 (M)
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Mr. D. Appa Rao Lab. Assistant E-mail : dapparao[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
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16 Results
Sl. No.A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos
Major Facilities

Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection

Phase Contrast Microscope: Facility created and used for microbial identification

Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection

Centrifuge: Facility used for value added products extraction from algae

Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection

Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection

Algal Culture Lab Facilities for culturing micro algae

Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection

Fermenter: Facility for Biofuel production

Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection

Bio methane reactor:Facility for methane production
Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection
Photo Bioreactor: Facility for pilot scale culture of micro algae
Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection
Bio-methane Reactor: Facility for Moveable bio-methane reactor for rural energy demand
Flat panel photobioreactor: For algal culture
Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection
Lab scale photobioreactor: For algae culture
Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection
Cylindrical photo-bioreactor: For CO2 capture studies
Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection
Hybrid photobioreactor: For algae culture
Renewable Energy & Bio TechnologySection
Renewable Energy and Biotechnology Research Highlights

Combustion Science and TechnologySection

Thermogravimetric Analyser (TGA-DSC, Model STA 449F3, NEZSCH, Germany): Used to study combustion behavior of coal, coal blends and coal biomass blends in lab scale.

Combustion Science and TechnologySection

DTF (Drop Tube Furnace, 1-3kg/hr): Used to study combustion behavior of coal, coal blends and coal biomass blends in bench scale.

Combustion Science and TechnologySection

FETF (Fuel Evaluation Test Facility, 25-70kg/hr): To study combustion behavior of coal, coal blends in pilot scale and study oxy-fuel combustion.

Sl.No. Project Sponsor
Combustion Science and Technology Section
1 Co-combustion under Clean Coal Technology (TapCoal) CSIR-12th FYP project Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
2 Oxy-fuel Combustion under Clean Coal Technology (TapCoal) CSIR-12th FYP project CSIR
3 Looping Combustion under Clean Coal Technology (TapCoal) CSIR-12th FYP project CSIR
4 Advanced ceramic materials and components for energy and structural application (CERMESA) CSIR-12th FYP project CSIR
5 Investigation on the combustion behavior of coals/coal blends of different types and origin to assess their suitability for pulverized coal injection in Blast Furnace TATA STEEL, Jamshedpur
6 Energy Sector Inventory: [Biennial Update Report and Third National Communication]: Preparation of National GHG emission Inventory for Energy and Manufacturing Industries for different years United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New Delhi
7 Normative coal requirement for different industries Coal India Limited,Kolkata
8 Utilization of Sludge by blending with coal CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur
Coal to Chemicals Section
9 Study the conversion of pyridinebased chemicals to pharmaceutically important molecules: CSIR-CIMFR, In house
10 Pilot scale demonstration of “silica composite “Si-Bps- HAs” (Silica-Botanical pesticides-Humic acid) from coal ash/biomass ash/biogenic silica richresources as bio-pesticide foragricultural/store grain pests control CSIR
11 Pilot scale demonstration of coal mine water usage for commercial algal production for food – fertilizer in hybrid photo-bioreactor for combating malnutrition CSIR
12 Bio-processing of coal industrial effluent and coal fines recovery using aquatic plants and phototrophs Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore
13 Bio-methanationof coal rejects/low grade coal andbiomass -Demonstration Modelat villageGaurigram, Chandankiyari, Dhanbad CSIR
14 TAP COAL: CO2 mitigation, bio-H2 production & recovery of novel bio-products from coal combustion flue gas using micro algae CSIR
15 CO2 capture through microbial route in pilot scale GAIL;Pata GAIL, Pata
16 Study of CO2 signaling among single cell and filamentous microalgae under elevated CO2 and screening of high value products for commercial application CSIR-CIMFR, In house
17 Process for synthesis of PHA(polyhydroxyalkanoic acids)- A biodegradable plastics from bio-depolymerized lower rank coal CSIR-CIMFR, In house
18 Screening andcharacterization of extremophilesmethanogenicbacterial consortiumin coal bed methane reservoir and study on its application for recovery ofmethane CSIR-CIMFR, In house
19 Art & Craft from coal- Skill development for rural women CSIR-CIMFR, In house
20 Renewable and bio-degradable novel fabrics and pigments from CO2 capture algal biomass for commercial application CSIR-CIMFR, In house


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