
To develop, demonstrate and bestow safe and efficient rock excavation techniques for exploitation of minerals at competitive prices and provide state of the art blasting techniques formining and civil infrastructure projects.

About Us

The Rock Excavation Engineering Research Group is formed by amalgamation of the erstwhile Blasting Department and Explosive & Explosion Laboratory. The Research Group focuses on the R&D works in two specific areas,safe and economical rock excavation techniques for mining and civil engineering construction projects with minimum disturbance to surrounding environments and development of new cost-effective explosives and blasting accessories for the Indian mining industries. The Group also has testing facilities for different explosives andblasting accessories for their use in Indian mining conditions.

Our Expertise
  1. Design and development of controlled blasting patterns for safe and efficient extraction of minerals from mines and quarries in the vicinity of villages/surface structures.
  2. Mine-to-Mill Technology for overall optimization of the energy used for crushing and processing of minerals.
  3. Optimisation of blast patterns in Dragline and Shovel-dumper benches for enhanced production and productivity in large opencast coal mines.
  4. Optimisation of blast fragmentation in any sort of bench geometry in opencast mines.
  5. Techno-economic assessment of drilling and blasting parameters in opencast mines.
  6. Mass production blasting in underground metal mines for improved production with safety to underground openings and nearby surface features.
  7. Induced caving by blasting for effective strata management in underground coal mines.
  8. Designing of solid blasting patterns for development faces and depillaring in underground coal mines.
  9. Controlled blasting for hard rock excavations in civil infrastructure projects viz. Airport, Metro Rails, Highways, Railways, Foundation works of thermal power projects etc.
  10. Tunnel blast design to achieve faster rate of advance.
  11. Controlled blasting in sensitive hilly areas for safer and speedier construction of roads and other civil engineering projects. 
  12. Pre-split blasting and smooth blasting techniques for control of overbreak to achieve stable final excavated walls in mines and civil construction projects.
  13. Control of dust generated by blasting operations in opencast mines and civil engineering projects.
  14. Monitoring and prediction of ground vibration, noise and air-overpressure using microcomputer-based instruments and their analysis through the latest software packages.
  15. Control and prediction of flyrock in bench blasting for opencast mines, quarries and civil engineering construction projects.
  16. Plasma Blasting Technique for rock excavation in very sensitive areas.
  17. Performance evaluation and feasibility study of mechanical excavation of rocks for various types of rock cutting machines.  
  18. Demolition of Railway Over Bridges, Cofferdams in Hydroelectric Projects and old structures/buildings using controlled blasting. 
  19. Testing and evaluation of explosives and blasting accessories for maximum utilization of explosives energy in blasting.
  20. Testing of permitted explosives and non-incendivedelay detonators for their safe usages in underground coal mines of different degrees of gassiness.
  21. Development of new cost-effective explosives and blasting accessories for Indian mining industries.
  22. Training of personnel for safe blasting operations in surface and underground mines, quarries and civil engineering projects.  
  23. Training of explosive manufactures on handling & safety aspects related to explosives and accessories. 

Our Accomplishment
  1. Established controlled blast design patterns in more than 200opencast and underground mines in India under various complex situations.
  2. Established threshold values of vibration (PPV) for different RMR of roof rocks in underground workings which is enforced by DGMS under Technical Circular No. 06 of 2007, Dhanbad, Dated 28/05/2007.
  3. Helped DGMS in establishing Vibration Standards for surface mine blasting,now available in many globally available seismographs.
  4. The Mine-to-Mill Technology has benefitted to many iron ore and limestone mines of the country.
  5. Development of pre-split blast designsfor Rampur Agucha Mine of Hindustan Zinc Limited to achieve final stable wall which has made the mine as the deepest opencast mines in India.
  6. Designing of drilling and blasting methodology for tunnels, underground powerhouse caverns and open excavation works in more than 20 prestigious hydroelectric projects of India, Bhutan and Afghanistan.
  7. Designing of blasting patterns for Ghat-ki-Guni Transport Tunnel in Jaipur, Rajasthan and a Transport Tunnel in Himachal Pradesh.
  8. Complete design, monitoring and supervision of controlled blasting works for Ulwe Hill Cutting as part of the land development for the construction of Navi Mumbai International Airport.
  9. Stabililization of more than fifty (50) unstable slopesin Konkan Railwayswith a total span of about 18 km using directional controlled blasting technique.
  10. Provided guidance and scientific know-how to Border Roads Organization (BRO) for safe and efficient drilling and blasting operations in speedy construction of strategic roads in fragile and difficult areas along the Indian Borders. 
  11. Successfully demolished seven numbers of old Railway Over Bridges (ROBs) located between Pirpainti and Bhagalpur of Eastern Railways for the conversion of double lane electrified railway lines. 
  12. Successfully demolished two concrete cofferdamsusing controlled blasting at Teesta Low Dam Projects, Stage-III and Stage-IV of NHPC Limited. 
  13. Designed and supervised controlled blasting for hard rock excavation works for the construction of more than 10 Thermal Power Projects of the country. 
  14. Developed cost-effective blasting technology using additives in explosives, water-resistant ANFO, used and recycled lubricant oils in ANFO to replace fresh oil. 
  15. Development of explosives for blasting in BG panels saved the national loss of coal production around 2.5 MT and solved the problem of industrial unrest due to the stoppage of BG panels in SCCL.
  16. Developed three formulations of permitted explosives viz. Emulcoal-100, Emulcoal-300 and Emulcoal-500.
  17. Appreciated with the National Mineral Awards, CSIR Technology Awards (2018 & 2019) and other prestigious awards for its contribution in rock excavation engineering sciences.

NameDesignationEmail & phonePhoto
Head of the Research Group
Prof. Arvind Kumar Mishra HORG E-mail : director[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : +91-326-2296025
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Section 1: Rock Excavation Engineering
Dr. C. Sawmliana

Chief Scientist & HOS E-mail : csawmliana[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, csla_cimfr[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : +91-3262296028 Extn: 4449 (O), 9471191134 (M)
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Dr. Murari Prasad Roy

Chief Scientist E-mail : mproy[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, mproy14[at]yahoo[dot]com, mproycimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-3262296028 Extn: 4455 (O), 9431315871, 9973788388 (M)
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Dr. Aditya Rana

Sr. Scientist E-mail : adityarana[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, adityarana[dot]nitjaipur[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 0326-2296029 (O), 9694641232 (M)
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Dr. Vivek Kumar Himanshu

Sr. Scientist E-mail : vivekkhimanshu[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, vivekbit07[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8102496571 (M)
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Dr. Ranjit Kumar Paswan

Sr. Scientist E-mail : rkpaswan[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, ranjitkp[dot]cimfr[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 9631726815, 6200133108 (M)
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Dr. Firoj Ali

Sr. Scientist E-mail : firojali[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, firojchem86[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 6287871881 (M)
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Mr. Rakesh Kumar Singh

Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : rakeshksingh[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, rakesh1_12[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 03262296028 Extn: 4449, 9431315626 (M)
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Dr. Narayan Kumar Bhagat

Sr. Technical Officer (2)Educational Qualification: B E ( Mining), PhD in Mining Engineering from IIT (ISM)
E-mail : nkbhagat[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, narayan_bhagat[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 0326-2296028 Extn: 4293 (O), 9430394048, 7903199169 (M)
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Mr. Arvind Kumar

Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : akumar[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, arvindcmri[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 9471106807 (M)
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Mr. Rama Shankar Yadav

Sr. Technical Officer (2) E-mail : rsyadav[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, rsycfri[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Phone : 0326-2296028 (O), 9431318084 (M)
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Mr. Panchanan Hembram Sr. Technical Officer (1) E-mail : phembram[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, hembram4u[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 4449 (O), 9304251926 (M)
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Mr. Suraj Kumar

Technical Officer E-mail : suraj[dot]cimfr[at]res[dot]in, suraj[dot]9798mishra[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 0326-2296027/28/29, Extn. 4294 (O), 9431309568 (M)
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Mr. Amar Prakash Kaushik

Technical OfficerEducational Qualification: B.Tech in Mining Engineering
E-mail : amarkaushik[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, amar96cimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 4447 (O), 6260391824 (M)
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Mr. Ashish Kumar Vishwakarma

Technical Officer E-mail : akvishwakarma[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, ashishcimfr[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 9575144495 (M)
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Mr. Saikat Banerjee

Technical Assistant E-mail : saikatbanerjee[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, saikatbanerjee619[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : 8340309869 (M)
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Mr. Tulsi Rajwar Lab. Assistant E-mail : tulsi[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : 7033258488 (M)
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Mr. Sudhir Kumar Ojha Lab Attendant E-mail : skojha[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in
Phone : 9262721174 (M)
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18 Results
Sl. No.A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos
Major Facilities

Cannon Gallery Test Set-up: Used forsimulation of underground mine gallery and coal seam to conduct Incendivity Test of permitted explosives


Fragmentation Analysis: Blasting software for Determination of fragment size and distribution patterns of blasted rock materials


Joint Analysis: Blasting software used to characterizes the pattern of geological joints/faults and other lineation in rock mass


Ansys Autodyn: Blast Simulation and Modeling software


JKSIM Blast: Blast design, simulation and information management software


ProAnalyst: Motion analysis software for blasting videos

PDF Chamber: Used to analyze the present of CO and NOx in permitted explosives


Coal Dust Chamber: Used for testing of incendivity property of permitted detonators in coal dust atmosphere for their safe usages in underground coal mines.


Multi Compartmented Chamber: Used to check incendivity characteristicsof delay detonators in inflammable gassy atmosphere.


Cavity Monitoring System: Real time visualization and measurement of inaccessible cavities in mining and civil engg. construction works


Delay time &VOD Measuring Instrument:Used for testing for delay scattering of detonators and measurement of unconfined velocity of detonations of explosives 


In-Hole VOD Monitors: Used to determine the velocity of detonation (VOD) of explosives in confined (in-hole) and unconfined condition 


Laser Profiler: Used toscan the blast area before and after the blast to determine the actual crest/toe burdenand volume estimation in surface blast design 


High Speed Video Camera Recording of firing sequence/flyrock/blast face movement and the actual hole/deck delay times in blasting


Seismographs: Recording instrument for ground vibrations and noise/air overpressure generated by blasting

Slno Projects Sponsor
1 Scientific study for designing and execution of controlled blasting at dam site of Punatsangchu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA-I), Bhutan Punatsangchu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA-I), Government of Bhutan.
2 Advice for designing of safe and efficient blast design patterns for rock excavation works of different strategic roads of Border Roads Organisation Border Roads Organisation, Ministry of Defence
3 Advice for optimisation of blast design parameters for flattening at Ulwe Hill as part of the land development works for construction of Navi Mumbai International Airport CIDCO Maharastra Limited
4 Design and continuous supervision of foundation blasting work at Betwa river for construction of Jhansi-Bina 3rd railway line bridge considering the safety and stability of existing bridge situated at a distance of 25 m Shyam Indus Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd., UP
5 Excavation and flattening of slopes at Bordave, Ukshi Yard, Agave and Shirsawane cuttings using controlled blasting under the jurisdiction of DGM/SW/RN in Ratnagiri Region Konkan Railway Corporation Limited
6 Design of blasting parameters with continuous monitoring of blast vibration for excavation work as a part of land development to construct wagon tippler at Obra, Uttar Pradesh Baghel Infrastructure Pvt. Limited, UP
7 Scientific study for safe and economical open and underground excavation of rock using DBM at Pakal Dul Dam Project, J&K Jaiprakash Associated Limited, J&K
8 Advice for closure of abandoned coal mines using controlled blasting vis-à-vis suggesting detailed design, guidelines and SOP for the whole closure operation Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board, Govt. of Meghalaya
9 Advice for improvement in rock fragmentation to enhance production and productivity with greater safety at Noamundi, Katamati, Joda East and Khondbond Iron Mines of Tata Steel Tata Steel Limited
10 Study and advice for blasting optimization at Balaria, Baroi, Mochia and Zawarmala underground mines of M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited for safe and efficient exploitation of minerals Hindustan Zinc Limited
11 Advice for initial planning and designing of rock excavation work using controlled blasting at the stone quarries of Song Dam project, Department of Irrigation, Dehradun, Government of Uttarakhand Department of Irrigation, Dehradun, Govt. of Uttarakhand
12 Study and advice on blast induced ground vibration due to excavation of Additional Adit to HRT, Sawra-Kuddu HEP, Hatkoti, HPPCL Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited
13 Advice for safe dismantling works of unstable rock boulder using controlled blasting located at Brahmayoni Hill, Shahmir Takiya, Gaya, Bihar Road Construction Division, Government of Bihar
14 Improvement and rectification of controlled blast design patterns for hard rock excavation at NTPC Khargone Super Thermal Power Project site, MP  (2 x 660 MW) L&T Power Limited
15 Design of controlled blasting pattern for safe demolition of concrete coffer wall at Teesta Low Dam Project, Stage-IV of NHPC Limited, Darjeeling District, West Bengal NHPC Limited
16 Development of safe design of solid blasting operations in Degree-III gassiness coalmines of Jamadoba Colliery, 6 & 7 Pits Bhutgoria Amalgamated Colliery and Digwadih Colliery of Tata Steel Limited Tata Steel Limited
17 Advice for blast optimisation of blast design parameters at Moher and Moher-Amlohri Extension opencast mines for safe and efficient blasting operations Sasan Power Ltd., MP
18 Advice for controlled demolition of seven arch-bridges (ROB) at different locations between Pirpainti and Bhagalpur section of Eastern Railways Hardev Constructions Limited
19 Study to Identify Measures for Dampening of Vibration effects during Blasting, Satluj Jal Vidduyut Nigam Limited Satluj Jal Vidduyut Nigam Limited
20 Blast Design and fragmentation control - A Key to Productivity Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India

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