Our Mandate
To provide solutions to the industry for hazards and environmental issues associated with coal seam gases,
and commercial recovery thereof through research and development.
About us
This group’s profound dependency demands for safe recovery of the coals even at deeper levels by tapping
methane as a cleaner source of energy while reducing emissions. The group is developed as a pioneer
research laboratory on nonconventional gas reservoirs such as coalbed methane, shale gas etc. and is
carrying out research in the frontier areas such as recovery of deep seated unmineable coals through in situ
gasification route geo-sequestration and carbon management. The group is also engaged in the national
endeavor for estimation of fugitive emissions associated to coal mining and handling activities and oil and
natural gas systems as part of national communication to UNFCCC.
Our Expertise
➢ Reservoir Characterization of non-conventional gas reservoirs
➢ Petrologic and Geochemical study
➢ Organic Maturation and hydrocarbon potential
➢ In situ desorption study and Gas-in-place Estimation
➢ Construction of High Pressure Adsorption Isotherm and determination of storage capacity
➢ Reservoir Simulation of CBM wells
➢ Gassiness study in underground coal mines as a safety and regulatory requirement
➢ Shale gas potential evaluation in Damodar river basin
➢ High and Low pressures moralization and kinetics in coal/shales
➢ TOC and kinetics studies of shale samples
Our Accomplishment
➢ The fugitive emission estimates from coal mining and handling activities and oil and natural gas systems
prepared by the group found place in various National Communications and Biennial Update Reports
published by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India for
communication to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
➢ Generated extensive data base for Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) to carve out the Coalbed
Methane (CBM) blocks in India
➢ C-foot print study for Ashoka and Piparwar coal mines in the CCL command area for the first time in the
Country for any coal mine.
➢ Developed the National Facility for High Pressure Adsorption Isotherm Construction to carry out
adsorption experiment for investigation on unconventional gas reservoir systems and CO2-sequestration
under replicated in situ conditions.
➢ Feasibility Study for Recovery and Utilization of Coal Mine Methane in different Indian Coalfields through
US EPA funding
➢ Quantification of Ventilation Air Methane in Association with SIUC, USA
➢ Contributed to the preparation of Roadmap to UCG in India published by Office of the Principal Scientific
Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India.
➢ Catered to coal mining industry for categorization of degree of gassiness of coal seams of different
coalfields of India for Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS) and National Coal Development
Corporation (NCDC) as a regulatory requirement for safe extraction of the coals in the Country
➢ Investigated the CBM co-produced water in Jharia, Bokaro and North Karanpura CBM blocks of ONGC

NameDesignationEmail & phonePhoto
Section: 1 Shale Gas
Dr. Vinod Atmaram Mendhe Chief Scientist & HORG E-mail : vamendhe[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, avmendhe[at]yahoo[dot]com
Phone : 0326-2296027/28/29, Extn. 4352(O), 9835105099 (M)
Service image
Mr. Jaywardhan Kumar

Sr. Scientist E-mail : jaywardhan[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, kumar[dot]jaywardhan[at]gmail[dot]com,
Phone : 7766939569 (M)
Service image
Section: 2 Coal Bed Methane and Green House Gases
Dr. Debdutta Mohanty

Sr. Principal Scientist & HOS E-mail : drdmohanty[at]cimfr[dot]res[dot]in, drdmohanty[at]ymail[dot]com
Phone : +91-9471304757 (M)
Service image
3 Results
Sl. No.A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos
Major Facilities
Determination of In-situ gas content of coal/shale samples: In-situ gas content of coal/shale core samples is determined by Direct Method, the method is consisted of three stages measurement process. In this method, coal/shale core samples are collected in a desorption canister, a cylindrical type of vessel of different diameter, to measure the desorbed gas volume at ambient pressure and temperature.
Gas Chromatograph: The Gas chromatograph is used to analyze desorbed gas to check quality for the assessment of coalbed methane/ shale gas resource potential for commercial utilization. It is also used to determine methane content at ppm level used to estimate fugitive emission of GHG from coal mining activities and other sources.
Gas Chromatograph
High Pressure Adsorption Isotherm (HP AI) Experimental Setup: A High Pressure Adsorption Isotherm construction facility was designed and developed at CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad through the project funded by SERB, DST vide grant no. SR/S4/ES- 591/2011 to investigate the  dsorption characteristics of coal/shale at replicated in situ conditions.
High Pressure Adsorption Isotherm (HP AI) Experimental Setup
Elemental Analyzer: A facility for the determination of elemental C, H, N, S and O (by difference) composition of coal sample has been established. Elemental analysis is an essential requirement for research on coal genesis and various coal conversion processes. The elemental composition is essential to decide the rate of injection, type of oxidant, amount of steam to be used to get the desired quality of syngas. 
Elemental Analyzer
Leica make DM 4500P microscope: Coal is a heterogeneous mixture of organic and inorganic, and it is from the organic component that syngas is generated during gasification. The inorganic component has a significant impact on gasifier performance. Hence petrographic study of coals is essential. Maceral composition and reflectance analyses are carried out following the ISO/IS standards using the Leica make DM 4500P microscope. The microscope is equipped with MSP 200 attachment for reflectance measurement, fluorescence attachment for identification of liptinites, Digital Colour CCD Camera with built-in Peltier cooling system for image capturing and Leica Application Suite software for image analyses. Both mineral phases and organic components can be studied using this polarized microscope
Leica make DM 4500P microscope
Surface Area Analyzer: A facility has been added for Low pressure sorption isotherm system for surface area, pore size and pore volume of shale/coal/rock samples.
Surface Area Analyzer
Major Projects
➢ Scientific Investigation on Resuming Exploratory Drift Work of Nyera Amari II Powerhouse at
Martshala, Samdrup Jongkhar, Bhutan and Advice thereof (Bhutan Government based Company)
➢ Shale Gas Potentiality Evaluation of Damodar Basin of India (MOC, GoI.)
➢ Improved Fugitive Methane Emission Factors for Coal Mining And Handling Activities In India
Including Abandoned Mines (MOEFCC, GoI)
➢ Estimation of Fugitive Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Indian Coal Mining Activities. (SERB, DST,
New Delhi)
➢ Investigation on effect of coal-type on sorption behavior of some Damodar valley coals. (SERB, DST,
New Delhi)
➢ Preparation of GHG Emission Estimates for the Years 2011-2015 Associated to Fugitive Emissions
from Coal Mining and Handling Activities and Oil and Natural Gas Systems (Inspire Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
➢ Investigation for CBM reservoir evaluation of coal seams from Bokaro Patch #A and Patch #B,
(ONGC, Bokaro)
➢ Advice on thermal maturity, micro-petrography and geo-mechanical characteristics of coal seams at
Sohagpur East & West blocks, Dist. Shahdol, MP for CBM potentiality assessment. (MAPL, Asansol)
➢ Advice on Pre-feasibility from Rock Mechanics point of view and related geotechnical issues for
future application of UCG at Jamadoba, Tata Steel. (M/s Ergo Exergy Technology, Canada)
➢ Investigation on gas desorption characteristics of coal/rock core samples and prediction of specific
emission at XI Seam, Jamadoba Colliery, Jharia Division, Tata Steel Ltd. (M/s Tata Steel Limited,
Jharia, Division, Dhanbad)
➢ Advice on thermal maturity, micro-fracture development and composition for assessment of methane
generation potential of coal seams from Sohagpur E & W CBM block (M/s Mining Associates Pvt.
Ltd., Asansol)
➢ Investigation on Methane Emission for Classification of Degree of Gassiness of Coal Seams and
Associated Gas Hazards at Jamadoba Colliery, 6 & 7 Pits Bhutgoria Amalgamated Colliery and
Digwadih Colliery of Tata Steel Limited
➢ Investigation on Gassiness of Coal Seams at Sitarampur Coal Block of JSW Natural Resource India
Limited. (M/s JSW, Kolkata)
➢ Determination of maximum desorbable gas content of coal core samples, prediction of specific gas
emission and advice on associated gas hazardous at Trans- Damodar coal block in Raniganj
coalfield. (ECL, SECL, BCCL)
➢ Studies on Gas Desorption and Adsorption of Shale Samples for Evaluation of Shale Gas Resource
Potential in Different Selected Sedimentary Horizons of India. (GSI, Kolkata)
➢ Feasibility study of produced water management at ONGC Coal Bed Methane (CBM) wells in Jharia,
Bokaro and North Karanpura Coalfields. (ONGC, Bokaro)
➢ Investigation on Methane Emission for classification of Degree of Gassiness of various seams at
different mines and Advice on Associated Gas Hazards (Different subsidiary of Coal India Limited,

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